Bought the complete collection on Steam from the summer sale :) Some questions. :D
I already had BG1: EE before the sale because a friend gifted it to me last year. And I had 1 and 2 EE on my Android for some time. This is the first time I am owning Siege of Dragonspear, and I am really excited about it.
Let's see, in total I have bought Baldur's gate 1 twice, the original on and the mobile version, I don't count the time it was gifted to me. I have bought Baldur's gate 2 4 times now. Once back when it was a brand new game, I didn't buy ToB for it though. Bought it again on GoG years later because I gave my copy to my brother. And then again on mobile, and then again just a few days ago.
So yeah I guess you could say I love these games.
Funny enough though, I haven't ever fully played through either one. And I am looking to change that. I just started a game in BG1 with a Female Wizard Slayer who I plan to dual class to thief eventually. She's got good scores in her stats. And right now, despite not being able to wear the early ring of protection she has the best AC of anyone in my part with a whopping -2. Single weapon fighting style is amazing. I have her with 2 proficiency in Longswords and two in Single Weapon.
When would be the best time to dual class her? I am still not familiar with how fighters level up really, but I have an idea that a better to hit bonus and THACO comes with higher levels? There is also that cool +1% magic resistance with each level, it doesn't seem like a whole lot but I bet it would still be handy.
Let's see, in total I have bought Baldur's gate 1 twice, the original on and the mobile version, I don't count the time it was gifted to me. I have bought Baldur's gate 2 4 times now. Once back when it was a brand new game, I didn't buy ToB for it though. Bought it again on GoG years later because I gave my copy to my brother. And then again on mobile, and then again just a few days ago.

Funny enough though, I haven't ever fully played through either one. And I am looking to change that. I just started a game in BG1 with a Female Wizard Slayer who I plan to dual class to thief eventually. She's got good scores in her stats. And right now, despite not being able to wear the early ring of protection she has the best AC of anyone in my part with a whopping -2. Single weapon fighting style is amazing. I have her with 2 proficiency in Longswords and two in Single Weapon.
When would be the best time to dual class her? I am still not familiar with how fighters level up really, but I have an idea that a better to hit bonus and THACO comes with higher levels? There is also that cool +1% magic resistance with each level, it doesn't seem like a whole lot but I bet it would still be handy.
BG 1: 161 000 ( level 8 fighter )
SoD: 500 000 ( level 10 fighter)
SoA/ToB 8 000 0000 ( level 40 fighter)
usually when people dual class fighters, they will choose either 7 or 13, because at those fighter levels, you gain your extra half attack per round
also note then when you dual class over, you will not be able to use your fighter abilities again until your theif levels surpass your fighter level by 1
so if you hit the 64 000 XP mark and hit level 7, and then decided to dual over to thief, you would have to hit level 8 in your thief class ( which requires an additional 70 000 XP ) before you get your fighter abilities back
so in hind sight, if you want your fighter abilities back in bg1 then level 7 is the level you want to dual at
but if you really want the best bang for your buck you will want to do it at level 13 ( granted it can be quite the trek back to level 14 but it's well worth it)
also, if you look at it from a max level stand point, if you dual at level 7 and once you hit ToB your thief level can hit level 39, but if you dual at level 13 instead, you thief level will still be able to hit level 39, only this time you will have more HP, attacks per round, proficiencies points and the like
although if you do go the level 13 route, you will obviously have to wait until SoA before you can dual over, and you might be near the end of SoA before you get your fighter abilities back
so in reality it really depends on how quickly you want your thief to get activated, if you want to start thieving as soon as possible, then level 7 fighter is the choice, if you can wait awhile and get the best bang for your buck, then wait until level 13
Right now my party makeup is My Wizard slayer who is level 2, Imoen who is level 3, Jaheira lvl 2, Khaleid lvl 2, Xan lvl 2, and Rasaad lvl 2. I think that right now Rasaad is probably the weakest link, but I have a soft spot for monks. I've read that Xan isn't that great a mage, but I think he's actually pretty cool with that moonblade of his.
Any ideas on how to make him more survivable though? I've just been having him pick things off with a sling so far until I need his spells, but I used his sleep spell on the spiders in that gnome lady's house in Bergost and then had him help with his sword because his spell was so effective it put them all to sleep.
and as for xan not being a "great mage" ironically he is one of the most powerful in the game, since specialist mages make their enemies save with a -2 penalty on their saves,
xan's enchantment spells are absolutely killer ( hence the reason why his sleep spell will be very effective against enemies with 4 HD or less )
but once you start fighting those harder enemies, then you can start using dire charm, emotion hopelessness, hold monster or confusions and chaos,
he might not be able to use magic missile or cast fireball, but he can still use wands of fireball/ lightning/ frost and the like,
also for level 2 mage spells, give him glitterdust, glitterdust seems simple at it's core, but man can it wreck havoc on baddies