Home Remedies - Or how to be a Commoner and survive Faerûn

It's no secret that being a Commoner sucks.
No class abilities, d4 hit points, all stat points lower than 10, and most are only proficient in one simple weapon. If any at all.
That would normally be a death sentence in the Forgotten Realms. So how can the common folk survive that harsh reality?
Sure, some may run into alooting traveling Adventurer party and try recruiting them for a quest or two.
But what if such individuals are curently not at hand? The answer is obvious: home remedies!
That's right! Even a run of the mill Commoner can prevent dangers with daily household items!
Have ideas on your own? List them in the comments!
No class abilities, d4 hit points, all stat points lower than 10, and most are only proficient in one simple weapon. If any at all.
That would normally be a death sentence in the Forgotten Realms. So how can the common folk survive that harsh reality?
Sure, some may run into a
But what if such individuals are curently not at hand? The answer is obvious: home remedies!
That's right! Even a run of the mill Commoner can prevent dangers with daily household items!
- Kuo-Toa are closing in your village? Fear not! Fill fragile clay containers with salt and throw those at them. Also works on giant slugs, oozes, tax collectors, mother-in-laws and anything else slimy.
- There are reports of trolls in the surrounding? Procure lots of sour fruits and spread their juices on anyone and anything. The giant's well developed noses can't stand the smell citric acid. Much less the taste of it.
- Zombies rise from village's graveyard late at night? Pour your whole milk and yoghurt stock into the graves. It's only a matter of time until they will get fermented by lactic acid bacterias. Little buggers will cancel all traces of necromancy.
Have ideas on your own? List them in the comments!

A good name for this idea would be "policeforce" as opposed to "army" as it would deal with civil defense, though it could call on the "army" in the event of invasion.
Boring but ultimately the only thing that will work in the long run.
Why or how anyone has survived in Faerun long enough to even get what we see is pretty amazing considering how innept any official forces are.
And then you turn up and every long running problem and issue is laid at your door to solve. In spite of being young, inexperienced and chased by killers.
*** Challenge ***
Survive till the end of Throne of Bhaal!
No, no. You will not be doing the ascending. Some strange entity known only as "charname" will be doing that.
Your task, should you accept it, is to survive(*) until they have done so while the realms burn around you.
(*) using only household items, of course.
Bonus credit:
Compute how many reloads a reload commoner would take to survive if a reload commoner could reload.
First, it is very important to armor yourself as well as possible. Large cooking pots make effective helmets and a repurposed cutting board can make a serviceable shield.
Gather as much support as you can from friendly neighbors. One good tactic is to lull the beasties to sleep before proceeding to whack them repeatedly over the head with a sturdy shovel. A lullaby sung by the good town mothers can be surprisingly helpful here.
Kudos for the concept and the attempt.
[ducks into bomb shelter again]