Well Rounded Party comps

I usually roll a fighter but I'm thinking of going mage thief or cleric perhaps even a multiclass. (I'm assuming we'll have BG2 spells) when BG:EE comes out. So with that in mind what's a good party comp If I play any of the four aforementioned classes? Also I'll probably be somewhere in the evil alignments in my play through if that makes any difference for recommendations.
You have the basic four ... then what are you lacking? Do you need more healing? Pick up a second divine spell caster. Do you need more magic firepower? Say, perhaps, have one mage use blast spells and one mage use buff spells? Get two mages. Do you need more fighting power, perhaps a dedicated melee and a dedicated ranged? Get two warriors.
And then, at the very end ... is it a pretty rounded group with 5 characters but you still find yourself wanting a sixth? Pick up a Bard.
I always try to take Viconia, even in non-evil parties, as much prefer her to the alternative clerics and druids. Also, unless playing an Assassin or fighter/thief myself, I like to take Montaron for scouting and backstabbing duties.
multiclass cleric-mage
Fi-.... no, Mage.
An evil Bard could be fun, if you're not planning on taking your PC into BG:EE (which won't be available for another year+) then perhaps a Jester could be fun, combine that with greater malison (which will now be available) and almost every large scale battle is your bitch. Skalds and Blades have a bit more longevity to them past BG1, plus the only other evil Bard is Eldoth and as much as I love him (and Skie) they don't fit into any real 'conventional' party and require a lot of forward planning. Plus it isn't difficult to roll a better Bard than Eldoth! ALSO Skald song and Blackguard aura have crazy synergy!
PC - Bard - backup archer, backup arcane support, backup general support, pockpockets, lore
Viconia - Cleric - slinger / potential tank, primary divine spellcaster
Dorn - Blackguard - primary damage dealer, crowd controller with aura
Edwin - Conjurer - primary arcane spellcaster
Xzar - Necromancer - second primary arcane spellcaster
Montaron - Fighter / Thief - archer, primary Thief, secondary damage dealer, backstabber
Shar-Teel - Fighter>Thief - primary Thief, secondary damage dealer, archer, backstabber
Tiax - Cleric / Thief - secondary Thief, backup divine support