[Kit Mod] Undead Hunter Revision (Paladin Kit for IWDEE, EET, BGEE and BG2EE)

Here follows the new kit description (only added the Turn Undead info):
This holy avenger has honed PRO_HISHER abilities toward the destruction of the undead and other unnatural creatures and is immune to many of their most devastating abilities.
- May create a Holy Sword once per day for one hour (starting at level 5).
- May Turn Undead as a priest of the same level (starting at level 3).
- +3 bonus to hit and damage rolls against undead creatures.
- Immune to hold and level drain.
Starting at level five, the Undead Hunter may materialize this holy weapon once per day for one hour. Despite its +3 bonus, this bastard sword is considered +5 for the purpose of determining what it can hit. The Undead Hunter always uses this blade as a specialist and while wields it 's under the effect of Bless.
- May not use Lay On Hands ability.
I would like to thanks the author of the Wizard Slayer Rebalancing because this work came from a reverse engineering of that mod and also @Grammarsalad who encouraged me to release it.
The coding is totally bug-free, but feel free to give me suggestions to make it looks cleaner. I also would like to know what the community thinks of the holy sword feature - my cut idea was to make a special ability that would allow the UH to summon for a while a sword with the Purifier characteristics.
The external download link is here.
The mod is also attached in this post (see below).
If you like to kill the undead you may like my following mods:
Undead Predator (Ranger Kit)
Undead Redeemer (Cleric Kit)
Undead Slayer (Wizard Kit)
Undead Tricker (Thief Kit)
Undead Ravager (Fighter Kit)
Undead Mourner (Bard Kit)
You can always find the latest uploads on my Github.
Next will come a Druid kit to finish the "I Hate Undead" crew.
I always thought that the Undead Hunter got the short end of the stick in terms of kit abilities - especially compared with the Inquisidor's Dispel Magic (that actually simulates a Dispel Evil).
On the other hand, of all the vanilla paladin Kits, the UH is the one who got the more soft disadvantage (the loss of Lay on Hands).
The Undead Hunter was obviously based on the Ghosthunter kit from The Complete Paladin's Handbook. There the following features are listed:
Advantages: Turn Undead as a cleric of the same level (since level 1), Dispel Evil (starting at level 5 with one use and gaining another use every four level, up to four uses at level 20), Remove Paralysis (starting at level 1 with three uses and gaining another use every four level, up to seven uses at level 20), Immunity to Paralysis caused by undead, the chance to get a +3 Purifier at some point before it reaches level six.
Disadvantages: No lay on hands ability, can't cast priest spells, not immune to disease, can't cure disease.
Well, the Dispel Evil feature would overshadow the Inquisidor and make the kit way too similar for my taste. Removing the priest spells and giving Remove Paralysis would be nice, but the game already compensates it by giving the UH permanent Negative Plane Protection. The immunity to disease/cure disease features were not implemented in BG/IWD as far as I know, so it doesn't make a difference in my analysis.
So only two things were left to give a power-up for the Undead Hunter: the Turn Undead and the Holy Sword.
Getting a +3 sword before level six would be detrimental to the game's balance I think, so there was only one option left: empower the Undead Hunter's Turn Undead ability to match that of a priest of the same level.
That's basically what this mod does. Be aware that it will overwrite the original Undead Hunter the same way the Wizard Slayer Rebalancing does for that kit.
The Undead Hunter still gets his Turn Undead ability only at level three, but once it's available will immediately be empowered to match its level (like a cleric).
On the other hand, of all the vanilla paladin Kits, the UH is the one who got the more soft disadvantage (the loss of Lay on Hands).
The Undead Hunter was obviously based on the Ghosthunter kit from The Complete Paladin's Handbook. There the following features are listed:
Advantages: Turn Undead as a cleric of the same level (since level 1), Dispel Evil (starting at level 5 with one use and gaining another use every four level, up to four uses at level 20), Remove Paralysis (starting at level 1 with three uses and gaining another use every four level, up to seven uses at level 20), Immunity to Paralysis caused by undead, the chance to get a +3 Purifier at some point before it reaches level six.
Disadvantages: No lay on hands ability, can't cast priest spells, not immune to disease, can't cure disease.
Well, the Dispel Evil feature would overshadow the Inquisidor and make the kit way too similar for my taste. Removing the priest spells and giving Remove Paralysis would be nice, but the game already compensates it by giving the UH permanent Negative Plane Protection. The immunity to disease/cure disease features were not implemented in BG/IWD as far as I know, so it doesn't make a difference in my analysis.
So only two things were left to give a power-up for the Undead Hunter: the Turn Undead and the Holy Sword.
Getting a +3 sword before level six would be detrimental to the game's balance I think, so there was only one option left: empower the Undead Hunter's Turn Undead ability to match that of a priest of the same level.
That's basically what this mod does. Be aware that it will overwrite the original Undead Hunter the same way the Wizard Slayer Rebalancing does for that kit.
The Undead Hunter still gets his Turn Undead ability only at level three, but once it's available will immediately be empowered to match its level (like a cleric).
Here follows the new kit description (only added the Turn Undead info):
This holy avenger has honed PRO_HISHER abilities toward the destruction of the undead and other unnatural creatures and is immune to many of their most devastating abilities.
- May create a Holy Sword once per day for one hour (starting at level 5).
- May Turn Undead as a priest of the same level (starting at level 3).
- +3 bonus to hit and damage rolls against undead creatures.
- Immune to hold and level drain.
Starting at level five, the Undead Hunter may materialize this holy weapon once per day for one hour. Despite its +3 bonus, this bastard sword is considered +5 for the purpose of determining what it can hit. The Undead Hunter always uses this blade as a specialist and while wields it 's under the effect of Bless.
- May not use Lay On Hands ability.
I would like to thanks the author of the Wizard Slayer Rebalancing because this work came from a reverse engineering of that mod and also @Grammarsalad who encouraged me to release it.
The coding is totally bug-free, but feel free to give me suggestions to make it looks cleaner. I also would like to know what the community thinks of the holy sword feature - my cut idea was to make a special ability that would allow the UH to summon for a while a sword with the Purifier characteristics.
The external download link is here.
The mod is also attached in this post (see below).
If you like to kill the undead you may like my following mods:
Undead Predator (Ranger Kit)
Undead Redeemer (Cleric Kit)
Undead Slayer (Wizard Kit)
Undead Tricker (Thief Kit)
Undead Ravager (Fighter Kit)
Undead Mourner (Bard Kit)
You can always find the latest uploads on my Github.
Next will come a Druid kit to finish the "I Hate Undead" crew.
Post edited by Raduziel on
This discussion has been closed.
Daystar would be an overkill.
The problem is: the game designer turned The Purifier +3 into the flat and continuous +3 hit/dmg against undead that the UH receives at level one. So the game's balance, especially for BGEE, is on the edge here.
My "cut content" idea was, starting at level 5, the UH would be able to summon this sword. It would last for one hour and give the following:
+3 Hit, +3 Damage, +5 for the purpose of what it can hit, wielder under the effect of Protection From Evil.
I want to thank @subtledoctor who saved me with a bizarre timer issue that makes spells behave in very different ways in BG(2)EE and IWDEE.