How much EXP do you acually accumulate in a full BG1/SoD run?

Long time BG player here, just bought Siege of Dragonspear and looking to start playing for the first time. I understand that they moved the XP cap from 161k to 500k.
My question is: In a typical completionist game without excessive grinding, how close do you get to the cap with a full party? Please post how much XP you have in your final saves!
Follow-up question: I want to use the answer to the above question to nerf my XP to be more in line with the normal BG2 starting XP. I remember this old mod "ding0 Experience Fixer" ( Does anyone know if DEF still works with the EE and if not are there any more modern alternatives?
DEF lets you reduce all incoming XP by 75%, 50%, or 10% I believe. If the mod is still usable, I am trying to decide which setting to use.
My question is: In a typical completionist game without excessive grinding, how close do you get to the cap with a full party? Please post how much XP you have in your final saves!
Follow-up question: I want to use the answer to the above question to nerf my XP to be more in line with the normal BG2 starting XP. I remember this old mod "ding0 Experience Fixer" ( Does anyone know if DEF still works with the EE and if not are there any more modern alternatives?
DEF lets you reduce all incoming XP by 75%, 50%, or 10% I believe. If the mod is still usable, I am trying to decide which setting to use.
so maybe 25%
The highest EXP I've gotten though is about 300,000 just hitting the last level before the end of SOD
Thanks for the data points. I think I'm going to push it a little bit and go for 50% and see how it goes. I am loading SCS too, so I really need to pick an OP main character and party
BG = 210,852. Average party size was 4.
SoD = 563,715. Average party size was 4.
BG2 = 4,204,435. Average party size was 5.
ToB = 7,560,046. Full party.
I finished SoD using 50% reduced XP. It was a lot of fun and didn't feel too unfair (Core Rules). Some of the endgame battles were a little dicy however!
Ended at just around 250k, so at the very end of the game was rewarded with some levelups to 9 for my fighter and cleric.
With the xp caps removed the difference is about 1 level versus keeping the xp caps.
600K per character for a party of 6 at end of SOD (with some insane setting battle)
total max XP available in BGEE+SOD = 3.6M at max.
In my runs of SoD, with the Insane spawn sizes, I usually end up hitting 3 million and my first HLA near the end.
So there’s a little over 3 million exp, total, available between the two games. Probably a bit more, since I am obviously soloing and don’t do the NPC quests.
Mods mostly. The Tweaks Anthology Mod specifically has an option to remove the XP Caps.