Whirlwind Attack - Dual Wielding or Single Weapon Fighting?

So, here I sits, idly planning a Swashbuckling Mage, and it occurs to me; Swashies get Whirlwind Attack once they hit HLAs, giving them a cool ten attacks per round.
Now as the title says, what do you think would be better for a Swashbuckler planning to Whirlwind Attack? A single weapon fighter, or a Dual Wielder? Or perhaps even both, switching from one for day-to-day combat to the other for whirling?
Some relevant trivia:
Whirlwind, unlike the improved version Fighters can get, always has a -4 to hit penalty, but still gives 10 attacks/round.
Swashbucklers can put 3 points into Two Weapon Fighting, meaning no penalties with either hand, and an extra attack generally, but this costs 3/9 of their points, and specialisation is already taking up 2 per weapon, so it's pretty expensive, as far as proficiencies go.
Meanwhile Single Weapon Fighting costs 1 point, and when SWF is satisfied, gives +1 AC and critical hits on a 19 or 20. Since Swashies can specialise, putting points into SWF instead of TWF means specialising in an additional weapon, but given most people only use single specific weapon types the whole game, that may not be worth it to you.
By the time a Swashbuckler is level 25 (the max multiple of 5 for a multi-classed thief/mage) they have a neat +5 to hit/+5 damage per hit, regardless of weapon.
I'm not sure how Improved Haste or weapons like Belm would interact with it, but Whirlwind with two weapons I believe would give 9 attacks with the primary weapon, and 1 attack with the off-hand weapon.
Thief proficiencies can only go into: Short Swords, Long Swords, Katanas, Daggers, Short Bows, Scimitar/etc, Darts, and Light Crossbows, with use any item they can indeed equip Crom Faeyr, but they cannot be proficient with it, something worth bearing in mind if you enjoy rocking max strength all over the place.
Personally I'm leaning towards SWF for double the number of criticals, but I'm very happy to be proven wrong.
Now as the title says, what do you think would be better for a Swashbuckler planning to Whirlwind Attack? A single weapon fighter, or a Dual Wielder? Or perhaps even both, switching from one for day-to-day combat to the other for whirling?
Some relevant trivia:
Whirlwind, unlike the improved version Fighters can get, always has a -4 to hit penalty, but still gives 10 attacks/round.
Swashbucklers can put 3 points into Two Weapon Fighting, meaning no penalties with either hand, and an extra attack generally, but this costs 3/9 of their points, and specialisation is already taking up 2 per weapon, so it's pretty expensive, as far as proficiencies go.
Meanwhile Single Weapon Fighting costs 1 point, and when SWF is satisfied, gives +1 AC and critical hits on a 19 or 20. Since Swashies can specialise, putting points into SWF instead of TWF means specialising in an additional weapon, but given most people only use single specific weapon types the whole game, that may not be worth it to you.
By the time a Swashbuckler is level 25 (the max multiple of 5 for a multi-classed thief/mage) they have a neat +5 to hit/+5 damage per hit, regardless of weapon.
I'm not sure how Improved Haste or weapons like Belm would interact with it, but Whirlwind with two weapons I believe would give 9 attacks with the primary weapon, and 1 attack with the off-hand weapon.
Thief proficiencies can only go into: Short Swords, Long Swords, Katanas, Daggers, Short Bows, Scimitar/etc, Darts, and Light Crossbows, with use any item they can indeed equip Crom Faeyr, but they cannot be proficient with it, something worth bearing in mind if you enjoy rocking max strength all over the place.
Personally I'm leaning towards SWF for double the number of criticals, but I'm very happy to be proven wrong.
You'll be a thief/mage not a swashie/mage. You could dual, but waiting till swash gets his HLAs and then waiting again to level your mage class higher up is like mid-ToB already.
THe only thief/kit is gnome thief/illusionist. I'm pretty sure there are no kit/mage multiclasses
You can also use shadowkeeper, but then why the question? Just increase the number of attacks per round as you see fit
Isn't the main reason people use two-weapon fighting for secondary magic effects of some weapons e.g. magic resistances, extra attacks (e.g. from Kundane or Belm) - which actually get assigned to the primary weapon, as the off-hand weapon always only has one attack.
For whirlwind attack you want to maximise the damage from each hit, so two-handed weapons are usually best for this, but not usable by single-class thieves (apart from staves)
I pretty much figured the same thing you did, TWF gives an extra slot for benefits, but does any benefit match the 5% increase in damage from SWF's extra crit chance when using whirlwind attack, and if not, is it still worth the extra 3 proficiency points to enable TWFing in the occasions you're not using Whirlwind? Or even taking Two Handed Fighting for using a staff (though without backstab, Staff of Striking isn't nearly such an optimal choice)?
Also retains backstabbing ability. (for your munchkin desires, it's also perfectly reasonable to be a sneaky git backstabbing people with Angurvadal and then brandish the Carsomyr.. UAI is nice indeed)
So.. fighter/mage/thief seems to be the best solution, if you ask me. You'll level a lil slower, but what do you want the high lvl spells for anyway? On a combative caster, i usually just end up using a few defensive spells and fireshield red, then get busy chopping things left and right.
Erm, also, Swashbuckler 10 > Fighter dual class gets lots of bonuses plus GWW, 2 attacks per round, and grandmastery.
More importantly however, as you've said, F/M/T gives backstabbing and isn't a primary caster, that doesn't fit the character concept as well.
Step 1 - remove all weapon proficiencies
note your original HP
change all levels to zero
remove any thieving abilities (points and traps)
Step 2 - Load the hacked file and then level the chararacter up and save
Step 3 - Go in and edit the new save to set the original HP so you don't double count and save
Also, note that if you employ a kit with a mage multi-class that the engine gives you the extra spell per level bonus of a specialist mage regardless of the kit you pick. So a swashi/mage multiclass gets the bonus spells of a specialist without the restrictions. So you have to be careful about what you are trying to accomplish.