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Ranged Weapon/ Mage mix (help)

Rusty55Rusty55 Member Posts: 17
So I'm pretty new to BG:EE and BG2:EE. I want to create a character that I can play through both with.

I want to play some form of Ranged weapon with magic if it seems reliable... Preferably with bow or crossbow (i read the bow isn't to reliable later in BG2.

I don't quit understand the dual class thing so I kinda want to avoid that if possible and go with some form of multi-class

What do you all suggest? Elf Fighter/Mage with cross bow and Long sword mix? So then I can have the magic ability's that I want as well?

And if so, what stats should i roll with and proficiency's?

Please Help! Thanks!
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  • TerhidTerhid Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2017
    You pretty much nailed it - elf F/M is the way to go. For BG1 Long bows are by far the best bet. Later on when you need power you'll mostly use spells anyway, so the choice of proficiences doesn't matter that much. And you'll have enough points to invest in anything you might need. Recap: choose elf f/m nulti, start with long bows, spam sleep on crowds, spook on bosses and you're good to go. Oh, gnome F/I is superior from powerbuilding perspective, but it doesn't really matter.

    EDIT: forgot stats: Str 18/91+, Dex 19, Con 17, Int 18, Wis 15 (you get 3 bonus points from books) - can be min if you dan't care about wish, Cha min. If you don't roll high enough, as 18==19==20 Dex, it makes sense to leave dex at 18 (or even 17). Keep in mind that it is possible to get 21 Dex with 19 starting Dex though. You can also go with lower exceptional strength (the /thing), as you'll get a 1 point bonus to that.
  • Rusty55Rusty55 Member Posts: 17
    So I shouldn't worry about cross bows then. Cool. And what do you think my stats should look like at start? And you said proficiency isn't to important so u think just 2 in long bow and the rest doesn't matter? No long sword or staff?

    Thanks again.
  • ShikaoShikao Member Posts: 376
    I think @Terhid covered it pretty well.

    As for proficiencies pick whatever you like. Long bow will carry you through BG1 easily. Though in BG2 short bows are better. There is plenty of long swords in both games, so they will serve you well as backup weapon (and you have racial bonus to them).

    But remember, as you said yourself, the choice is ultimately yours as you are supposed to have fun not us. Unless I play Insane/LoB (Legacy of Bhaal = nightmare mode) then quite often I pick crossbows, simply because I like them =D
  • Rusty55Rusty55 Member Posts: 17
    Ok awsome. Thank you both for the help. Final question. As a mix mage to cast spells I have to be in a Robe right? Can't be in like medium leather?
  • Papa_LouPapa_Lou Member Posts: 263
    Rusty55 said:

    Ok awsome. Thank you both for the help. Final question. As a mix mage to cast spells I have to be in a Robe right? Can't be in like medium leather?

    Right. You can wear helmets, gloves, and boots, but if you equip any kind of armor (except for elven chainmail, but robes are ultimately better than that anyway, IIRC) your spellcasting is disabled.

    To make up for it, just throw on a few defensive spells like armor and whatnot, if you feel too vulnerable. At the end of the day, though, you won't be going in for any close combat. You'll want to stay back shooting arrows and spells as much as possible, thus staying well away from anyone who might slash you with a sword or bonk you with a hammer.
  • Rusty55Rusty55 Member Posts: 17
    Awsome! Thank you all so much! Now I can't wait to get home from work and start rolling for some good stats!
  • Rusty55Rusty55 Member Posts: 17
    edited August 2017
    Which spells to start off with ya think? Armor and sleep or sleep and reflect image?
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Sleep & Find Familiar. Best spell in the game and a furry friend to give you 6 extra hit points. You can get Armour spell in the inn for free if you can bash the chest on the 1st floor (and I've never failed with 18+ strength).
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Also, Xzar gives you Larloch's Minor Drain and Chill Touch for free shortly after you leave Candlekeep.
  • Rusty55Rusty55 Member Posts: 17
    Balrog99 said:

    Sleep & Find Familiar. Best spell in the game and a furry friend to give you 6 extra hit points. You can get Armour spell in the inn for free if you can bash the chest on the 1st floor (and I've never failed with 18+ strength).

    So not even reflect image over find familiar?
  • clovis_sangrailclovis_sangrail Member Posts: 4
    I'm currently playing a fighter/mage multi who is a gnome illusionist. It's the only multi combo that allows you to be a specialist mage. There's a cost -- I cannot cast necromancy spells -- but that is more than made up for by the fact that I get an extra spell at each level, plus double first level spells if I fetch that ring of wizardry south of Friedly Arms.

    With a gnome, I lose the longbow and long sword bonus an elf has, so I put my points in axes, which will be both my melee weapon and my ranged weapon. But be careful, because those throwing axes can get heavy, but you're going to roll 18/91-18/00, so you shouldn't have any trouble. And with high strength, you'll do more damage than you can with a bow.

    I'm playing two of these right now -- one on PC and one on android -- and they are quite the thing. I can park Imoen at the Inn and go clear those ankhegs out of the area to the north all by myself. Hit them with a sleep spell, then whack them with an axe.

  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    You know, a really big 'perk' of being a F/M is that you aren't spending points suboptimally by specializing in longbows in BG1, you can't get more than 2 pips, so go longbow/longsword right away.

    Find Familiar is a good starting choice, its awhile before you get a scroll.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    That extra 6 hp is huge at the beginning. You can also use the little critter to give the bad guys something to chase around while you take them out with your bow. Be careful not to get it killed though. The consequences are pretty bad and likely to also kill you until you're around 3rd level.
  • Papa_LouPapa_Lou Member Posts: 263
    Though I'm much more of a roleplayer myself, if you want to go the tactical route, it's probably best to take Find Familiar over anything else at the beginning. You'll find tons of scrolls for Reflect Image and Armour, but I don't recall seeing many FF scrolls.

    Plus, the little guy/gal can be a huge help, a others have mentioned.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Rusty55 said:

    Balrog99 said:

    Sleep & Find Familiar. Best spell in the game and a furry friend to give you 6 extra hit points. You can get Armour spell in the inn for free if you can bash the chest on the 1st floor (and I've never failed with 18+ strength).

    So not even reflect image over find familiar?
    Reflect image is not a very good spell. There is MUCH better version available when you hit level 2 spells, and its not particularly rare either.
  • Rusty55Rusty55 Member Posts: 17
    the Find Familiar seems scary.. if u let him die u loose constitution permanently.. that seems pretty scary.. lol
  • ShikaoShikao Member Posts: 376
    edited August 2017
    Rusty55 said:

    the Find Familiar seems scary.. if u let him die u loose constitution permanently.. that seems pretty scary.. lol

    You can take familiar to your bag where it's save from any harm =D
  • Rusty55Rusty55 Member Posts: 17
    Shikao said:

    Rusty55 said:

    the Find Familiar seems scary.. if u let him die u loose constitution permanently.. that seems pretty scary.. lol

    You can take familiar to your bag where it's save from any harm =D
    wait you can? is it like boo??? where he can sit in your pocket?!?!?!?!?!?! =D
  • ShikaoShikao Member Posts: 376
    Rusty55 said:

    Shikao said:

    Rusty55 said:

    the Find Familiar seems scary.. if u let him die u loose constitution permanently.. that seems pretty scary.. lol

    You can take familiar to your bag where it's save from any harm =D
    wait you can? is it like boo??? where he can sit in your pocket?!?!?!?!?!?! =D
    You can, you just need to talk with him.
  • Rusty55Rusty55 Member Posts: 17
    Shikao said:

    Rusty55 said:

    Shikao said:

    Rusty55 said:

    the Find Familiar seems scary.. if u let him die u loose constitution permanently.. that seems pretty scary.. lol

    You can take familiar to your bag where it's save from any harm =D
    wait you can? is it like boo??? where he can sit in your pocket?!?!?!?!?!?! =D
    You can, you just need to talk with him.
    thats awsome!
  • Rusty55Rusty55 Member Posts: 17
    So I just made my guy! took a while but I rolled a 92!
    So I'm:

    Stngth: 18/68
    Int: 18
    Wis: 10

    Pip: 1 long sword, 2 long bow, 1 short bow
    Spells: Sleep and Find Familar

    But when I start I have a -4 Dex on my guy.. Why is that?
    And I also can only memorize 1 spell.. how do I get more spots for memorizing?

    Thanks again for everyones help!
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Thats your AC bonus; you want a low AC to avoid getting hit.
  • Rusty55Rusty55 Member Posts: 17
    DreadKhan said:

    Thats your AC bonus; you want a low AC to avoid getting hit.

    oh ok I get it now! read it wrong! thanks! how about the more spaces for memorization spells?
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Not quite sure what you mean, you should have 1 spell per day, right? You go to your spell book then choose one to memorize. There are some items that can give extra slots, but one is a bit powerful and might make the game too easy. If you want it, its on the lower right portion of the Friendly Arm map. Its worth a ton to sell too.
  • Rusty55Rusty55 Member Posts: 17
    DreadKhan said:

    Not quite sure what you mean, you should have 1 spell per day, right? You go to your spell book then choose one to memorize. There are some items that can give extra slots, but one is a bit powerful and might make the game too easy. If you want it, its on the lower right portion of the Friendly Arm map. Its worth a ton to sell too.

    thats what I mean how do I get more slots? cause right now I only have one. So i can only have sleep, or Armor when i find it. are items the only way to get more slots? or you get more as you level?
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Yeah, via level ups and a couple items.
  • Rusty55Rusty55 Member Posts: 17
    ok thank you! time to rock and roll!
  • Rusty55Rusty55 Member Posts: 17
    last random question.. sorry for being sucha newb.. thank you all again for all your help! If i need to. can i heal my familar with a spell/potion?
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Spells should work I think, but potions no.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    Like you, familiars also heal 1 HP when they rest. Resting in inns, healing is a bit more (and there's no chance of being ambushed when you try to rest). Several of the familiars also regenerate HPs back quickly - if unsure you can test by hitting yours with your fist and seeing if it recovers (blows with fists are non-lethal so there's no chance of killing your familiar accidentally).
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