Ranged Weapon/ Mage mix (help)

So I'm pretty new to BG:EE and BG2:EE. I want to create a character that I can play through both with.
I want to play some form of Ranged weapon with magic if it seems reliable... Preferably with bow or crossbow (i read the bow isn't to reliable later in BG2.
I don't quit understand the dual class thing so I kinda want to avoid that if possible and go with some form of multi-class
What do you all suggest? Elf Fighter/Mage with cross bow and Long sword mix? So then I can have the magic ability's that I want as well?
And if so, what stats should i roll with and proficiency's?
Please Help! Thanks!
I want to play some form of Ranged weapon with magic if it seems reliable... Preferably with bow or crossbow (i read the bow isn't to reliable later in BG2.
I don't quit understand the dual class thing so I kinda want to avoid that if possible and go with some form of multi-class
What do you all suggest? Elf Fighter/Mage with cross bow and Long sword mix? So then I can have the magic ability's that I want as well?
And if so, what stats should i roll with and proficiency's?
Please Help! Thanks!
Post edited by Rusty55 on
EDIT: forgot stats: Str 18/91+, Dex 19, Con 17, Int 18, Wis 15 (you get 3 bonus points from books) - can be min if you dan't care about wish, Cha min. If you don't roll high enough, as 18==19==20 Dex, it makes sense to leave dex at 18 (or even 17). Keep in mind that it is possible to get 21 Dex with 19 starting Dex though. You can also go with lower exceptional strength (the /thing), as you'll get a 1 point bonus to that.
Thanks again.
As for proficiencies pick whatever you like. Long bow will carry you through BG1 easily. Though in BG2 short bows are better. There is plenty of long swords in both games, so they will serve you well as backup weapon (and you have racial bonus to them).
But remember, as you said yourself, the choice is ultimately yours as you are supposed to have fun not us. Unless I play Insane/LoB (Legacy of Bhaal = nightmare mode) then quite often I pick crossbows, simply because I like them =D
To make up for it, just throw on a few defensive spells like armor and whatnot, if you feel too vulnerable. At the end of the day, though, you won't be going in for any close combat. You'll want to stay back shooting arrows and spells as much as possible, thus staying well away from anyone who might slash you with a sword or bonk you with a hammer.
With a gnome, I lose the longbow and long sword bonus an elf has, so I put my points in axes, which will be both my melee weapon and my ranged weapon. But be careful, because those throwing axes can get heavy, but you're going to roll 18/91-18/00, so you shouldn't have any trouble. And with high strength, you'll do more damage than you can with a bow.
I'm playing two of these right now -- one on PC and one on android -- and they are quite the thing. I can park Imoen at the Inn and go clear those ankhegs out of the area to the north all by myself. Hit them with a sleep spell, then whack them with an axe.
Find Familiar is a good starting choice, its awhile before you get a scroll.
Plus, the little guy/gal can be a huge help, a others have mentioned.
So I'm:
Stngth: 18/68
Int: 18
Wis: 10
Pip: 1 long sword, 2 long bow, 1 short bow
Spells: Sleep and Find Familar
But when I start I have a -4 Dex on my guy.. Why is that?
And I also can only memorize 1 spell.. how do I get more spots for memorizing?
Thanks again for everyones help!