
I don't know if you know already but some of the original characters make references to things like.. well Khalid for example references Porky Pig and Chia Pet. Alora and Xzar reference Ren and Stimpy, with the Happy Happy Joy Joy song. Xzar quotes J. Robert Oppenheimer. Shar-Teel references Arnold Schwarzenegger in Predator and Eldoth quotes Oscar Wilde. The list goes on.
Well, I was hoping for that the new characters would also do this, though I have a feeling that they won't.
It's been bothering me so I decided to write about it.
Well, I was hoping for that the new characters would also do this, though I have a feeling that they won't.
It's been bothering me so I decided to write about it.
As for the new characters I wouldn't be surprised if something along those lines were included, but we'll see quite soon.
I'm hoping. It's silly, maybe, but I *like* silly.
"I ate his liver with a nice Chianti and some fava beans."
Oh, I know. I even know that's not a direct quote. It's "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti." in the movie.
That I've missed, but I usually don't bring good-aligned characters with me.
But no, I'm not looking, I want the new characters in the Enhanced Edition to do these things too.