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Some Expansion Area Ideas for BG1,and BG2 (not really a request, just giving ideas to BeamDog). :-)

As For BG1 of the surrounding areas of the adventure map, you have the following that could make a appearance:

The Town of Greenest that is east of the Woods of Sharp Teeth and resting upon the Green fields

The Twin Towers that are south of Nashkel once you pass over the Cloud Peaks

The Fields of the Dead alittle northeast of Baldur's gate city (that place sounds pretty scary)


BG2 Shadows of Amn:

The Towns Crimmor and Purskul, little odd they never showed up consider how close they were to the capital.

West of the oceans of Athkatla lies the Moonshae isles

Explore maybe more of the underdark?

Southwest of the Sea of Swords lies the Nelanther Isles

The huge expansive Wealdath Forest and the town called Velen by the shoreline of the Forest.


BG2 Throne of Bhaal:

More of the Calim Desert...(desert adventure seems non-existent lol)
Spider Swamp
The Isle of Tharsult and it's town Urbeth



This is abit of a stretch, but you guys ever considered WaterDeep? People been clamoring for that area of interest, makes the City of Baldur's Gate look like a puppy in comparison. (hint, hint maybe for BG3? lol) I know NWN did it, but I don't think it did it justice from a technological point of view.

Anyway I thought I throw some things around just for fun. :-)

Here's a map reference for everything listed:


  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited November 2012
    I wish they will expand Baldur's Gate further... a lot of interesting places out there. Specially I would be happy to see:

  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    edited November 2012
    I would say that if modding were easier an Eye of the Beholder series port to the Infinity Engine would be epic beyond words.

    Edit: So I don't sound senile, I'll clarify to say that the EotB series takes place beneath Waterdeep.
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    mch202 said:

    I wish they will expand Baldur's Gate further... a lot of interesting places out there. Specially I would be happy to see:

    Is that a dead dragon on top of the ruins?

  • CactusCactus Member Posts: 152
    An adventure, something like this:
    The Cursed Forrest of Madness
    You meet a drunken bard at a Tavern (pick one). He seems really paranoid and terrified about something, but don't want to tell you. After having a few beers with him, he starts telling a tale of a cursed forrest, hidden by the darkest of ancient magic. He went there himself to find a treasure of great power... He will not tell the location until you get him and you even more drunk. He tells the only way to find the forest is to wear a certain cursed belt (not removable by remove curse) and go through a certain area around midnight. Then either persuade or threaten him to reveal where the belt is hidden (some cave nearby). Find the belt, go through area (maybe meet a mad druid raging against you for disturbing the balance of nature by going to this evil place.) Forrest entry appear if wearing belt (it will have a chance to leave you terrified or confused while entering combat). NPC's naturally refuse to wear this belt – it's evil! Anyway, enter forest, it will be different from any other maps: areas out of sight will immediately be covered by ”fog of war”, and will have changed the next time you go there. Randomly generated you'll meet different statues where riddle's are carved in stone – solve all of these, and you *might* find an exit... Of course dark creatures will lurk in any corner. If you are “lucky” you might even find a crazy cursed dwarf, who somehow was trapped in the forest, in an attempt to draw a map over the ever changing paths... Anyway, solve riddles, go to evil tomb and meet the maker of the forest, likely some undead, crazed drow sorcerer. Defeat drow , find treasure (great weapon, likely something dark, some higher level necromancer spell effect :)) While leaving the tomb again the evil forest as well as the belt is dissolved, curse is lifted... The PC might even get some special ability upon leaving the forest, like True Sight once a day.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    Kaliesto said:

    mch202 said:

    I wish they will expand Baldur's Gate further... a lot of interesting places out there. Specially I would be happy to see:

    Is that a dead dragon on top of the ruins?

    Yup yup, its Dragonspear Castle, north of Baldurs Gate, south of Daggerford ( you can check your link ), made by John Gallagher which is an artist who worked on BG1 and worked for sometime on BG:EE. But this is just a very very early concept art, so you may never know..

  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I want to see the deeps under the Gnoll Fortress. It's there. I just didn't click on the right place on the map... Maybe EE will make the entrance find-able!
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282

    I want to see the deeps under the Gnoll Fortress. It's there. I just didn't click on the right place on the map... Maybe EE will make the entrance find-able!

    That fort always bugged the hell out of me! I wouldn't mind delving in there myself.

  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    Somebody posted about that - they looked forever for an entrance. So did I. Seems like there is some evil, going on, under the ground there. Expansion?
  • MilochMiloch Member Posts: 863

    I want to see the deeps under the Gnoll Fortress. It's there. I just didn't click on the right place on the map... Maybe EE will make the entrance find-able!

    There's no entrance to the Gnoll Fortress in the unmodded game. An obvious defect that a mod will no doubt correct. @CamDawg had some vague ideas along those lines as I recall... :)
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Yes, I've got plans for the gnoll fortress.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    CamDawg said:

    Yes, I've got plans for the gnoll fortress.

  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    edited November 2012
    I think it would be nice if additional free-standing games were made in the infinity engine for each major region of the Forgotten Realms multi-verse. If we include Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate there are already games for the far north and and central coastal area of Faerun, but I think it would also be fun to play a game based in Calimshan, Kara-Tur, Maztica, Menzoberranzan, etc.

    My idea is that these games could all be started separately from the other, but that one party could travel to all of them. Take Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate as examples, I know this isn't possible now, but my idea is that a party created in Baldur's Gate could travel to Icewind Dale and treat it like an expansion of the Baldur's Gate game. Since Icewind Dale's party are just mercenaries it wouldn't matter if the party included a Bhaalspawn or not, since anyone could be hired as mercenaries. Similarly a party made in Icewind Dale could visit the areas in both Baldur's Gate games. However, since the IWD party did not include a Bhaalspawn, the IWD party would not be able to participate in the main storyline of Baldur's Gate, so would never meet Irenicus or Sarevok. Instead, they could experience the side quests of that game. It could also be possible to do the main quests, but only if Gorion's Ward was a joinable NPC that needed to be kept alive for the duration.

    This same model could be used for all the new games that were added, so they would be one big adventure. The games could all function as a complete game internally and would vary considerably in terms of average character level (such as BG1 vs. ToB), but one party could theoretically play all of them, some of them, or none of them based on the whims of the player. There could be messages posted somewhere in the game telling players what level their characters should be before they attempt a particular game, as is the case now with Watcher's Keep, but in the end it would be up to individual players to decide. This would keep the game balanced for those who want to face enemies scaled in difficulty relative to their party, but would also allow it to be challenging for those who want to travel in an area where the opponents are scaled to a much higher level.

    Games could be added every year or so, but would all be in the infinity engine and all would accept parties from all the other games, who could travel to the them in the same sense that parties can freely travel between Nashkel and the Friendly Arm Inn in BG1. The world would gradually expand and might eventually come to include the Nine Hells, the Demonweb Pits, the Astral Plane, or other parts of the Forgotten Realms multiverse that are not part of the Prime Material Plane. One party could theoretically see each area and experience it to an extent, but to fully do the main quests of the individual games, it would still be necessary to start separate games in them since quests that required specific main characters wouldn't always translate.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Maybe something involving more stuff to do with mages from Halruaa. That minor thieves guild quest seems so insignificant considering their power. Considering they get a mention in the manual don't get much in game its an option.
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    edited November 2012
    I agree with that, considering how big Baldur's Gate City was and the minor houses you can find not just in the city, it would have been a cool quest-branch to work with to raid things as part of thieves guild. The thieves were pretty forgettable due to how long you dealt with them.

    As for the mages of Halruaa, I have forgotten about them. I don't remember what the purpose was.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited November 2012
    Kaliesto said:

    I agree with that, considering how big Baldur's Gate City was and the minor houses you can find not just in the city, it would have been a cool quest-branch to work with to raid things as part of thieves guild. The thieves were pretty forgettable due to how long you dealt with them.

    As for the mages of Halruaa, I have forgotten about them. I don't remember what the purpose was.

    Remember that thieves guild mission where you steal the components of the skyship. That was the only thing involving them (you were stealing from a Halruaan mage). From what I remember from the manual they are just a group of very powerful mages from a land (Halruaa) south that is very accepting of mages (so south of amn I guess).
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Purskal and Riavatin were both added by the darkest day mega-mod.
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