IWD Authentic Character Portraits

The goal here is to provide an authentic upgrade to the character portraits of IWD.
For RPG reasons, I have always tended to want a larger selection, yet have new ones be in the same artistic vein as the original portraits - some of those are classics, of course.
I present my humble collection of authentic-looking portraits and would like to see others like these added to the thread as well, if they exist! Cheers

An alternate of an original pic (swapped out the sword for a Cleric weap.)

A berserker/barb ripoff of Kratos

This should really have been a portrait set also, not simply a wallpaper

Very nice dwarf pic

Conan ripoff (is this the same artist?...)

Fem pally/paragon knight

Maniacal wild mage/chaotic/etc.

This one is a rare, old-aged character, with a versatile option for race
For RPG reasons, I have always tended to want a larger selection, yet have new ones be in the same artistic vein as the original portraits - some of those are classics, of course.
I present my humble collection of authentic-looking portraits and would like to see others like these added to the thread as well, if they exist! Cheers

An alternate of an original pic (swapped out the sword for a Cleric weap.)

A berserker/barb ripoff of Kratos

This should really have been a portrait set also, not simply a wallpaper

Very nice dwarf pic

Conan ripoff (is this the same artist?...)

Fem pally/paragon knight

Maniacal wild mage/chaotic/etc.

This one is a rare, old-aged character, with a versatile option for race

I think it goes without saying that these are all images found online. None are created or altered by me and all artworks belong to their respective owners.
That being the case, they are generally from other threads and I have tried to post in the same fashion. Some of these are also by Justin Sweet (did the original art for IWD - right?).
Is it more appropriate to leave an URL to dropbox, or something otherwise off-site?
Sorry, I'm new to this...
It's part of my IWD:EE Portrait Variations mod - anyone interested in some more of the official portraits with weapon/color/etc. swapped, take a look!
Conan, the dwarf, and the woman in heavy armor above it are indeed by Justin Sweet. (See this collection that I put together, which has links to the corresponding gallery page on Justin Sweet's website for each of them.)
It's not a "Conan ripoff" btw, it does in fact portray Conan, as evidenced by the fact that it's called ConanofCimmeria.jpg on its official gallery page
Based on a quick Google search, is might have been for a book cover...