BG1 vanilla: best party for a mage?

Hey, I am playing as a mage and having difficulties forming my own party. What is the best setup for a mage MC? I know that I should have one cleric, maybe two tanks, a thief and someone extra, but whom? I hope you guys can give me some ideas, what are some best of the best NPCs to have around for a mage?
You also have the option to dual class Imoen to mage since Coran is also a thief and comes with his open lock almost maxed out. That way Immy can cover for whatever school you barred yourself from if you're playing a specialist. And Coran gets more point to put in other thieving skills. If you wanna do that I recommend dualing Imoen at lvl 3 with 85 in find traps (which means she'll need to drink a potion to disarm some of the hardest traps out there), requiring 12,500xp to get her rogue levels back or lvl 4 with 100 in find traps and getting her levels back at 25,000xp.
Level 8 is probably too late. The level cap for BGEE is 161K. Level 8 thieves take 70K, which leaves 91K for mage levels. That is level 7, so she won't get her thief skills back. Getting to level 7 takes 40K, so the 121K for her mage levels puts her at Level 8. However, that occurs after 90K, so you won't have both her classes' skills until quite late in the game. I think by level 5, maybe 4, you can have her Find Traps and Open Locks high enough that, when her thieving returns, she can handle all the locks and traps in the game (although a couple in Durlag's might require a potion or two, but I can't recall).
Right, I forgot about the conflict between Kivan and Viconia. Who would be in place of Kivan when Viconia's in the party, providing the other members of the group are unchanged?