Weak none warriors
I always found playing through these games that playing anything buy a warrior/paladin was like playing on hard mode . Have we been informed yet that if the rolled PC dies , the games ends? Or is it possible to ress them in a temple / with a high level cleric? I personally like playing as a ranger , but the lack of heavy armour was a major draw back.
I always felt playing with a warrior was like playing on boring mode. There are plenty of ways for a non-melee pc to avoid getting stuck in combat.
Warriors are certainly easiest at low levels when 1/2 hits means death, but when you have a well built party around you most classes are as easy as each other.
Why would the PC's death making the game end change in EE? I don't think that's even been suggested.
Vanilla rangers can wear heavy armour.
As far as struggling early on with lower HP classes like mages, it's certainly more difficult starting out but that's to be expected. I think the game was designed back in the day with the idea that you either knew 2nd Edition or read the manual front to back, keeping in mind that it comes from the good old era of non hand holding games. Maybe you get dunked the first time you fight Carbos and Shank as a mage (rofl), and you might have to reroll when you realize that Infravision and Identify probably aren't the best two spells to start out with.
Even though the reasoning makes sense, it always pissed me off a little. I was often forced to keep my main character out of fights that had any chance of instant death (mind flayers especially), no matter how unlikely (because if the chance is > 0%, then it will happen). So the Bhaalspawn's importance made me not use him for a few fights :P
Either dual or multiclass. And you get the best of both worlds. A bit more survivability in the beginning and more options later on.
Though playing a mage at level 1, is part of the challenge.