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The BG:EE Triple Hardcore Challenge.

Due to all the threads popping up about how easy BG is and that everything needs to be nerfed, I came up with this idea to create a triple hardcore challenge for all the people that don't enjoy how easy the game is.

1) Maximum difficulty slider.
2) Hardcore mode - no reloading allowed, and no PC deaths. If you die, start all over again.
3) Multiplayer custom group consisting of the following minimum stat characters only:

Bard or Druid

No kits allowed, all Stat sliders need to be set to the lowest possible.

Now show us how easy the game is :)


  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    Since you started this challenge, you should definitely try it and tell us how it goes.
  • sepottersepotter Member Posts: 367
    I'm afraid I will have to respectfully decline.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    edited November 2012
    I may try it :)

    Even though I'm not complaining about how easy the game is, it will be fun to try.

    I think I would have the bard as the main character and keep him away for harm doing nothing but singing songs.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    Mungri said:

    I may try it :)

    Even though I'm not complaining about how easy the game is, it will be fun to try.

    I think I would have the bard as the main character and keep him away for harm doing nothing but singing songs.

    I'm little concern about "lowest stats possible"...
    Also, I think, that your bard made it to the Real World:

  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    The challenge is to make the game as hard as possible.

    Ok, maybe it should be either minimum stats and reloads allowed, or the first roll you get and no reloads.
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    Isn't there an improved IA or new/revised difficulty? I would have guessed this to be implemented since the (potentially) overpowered classes and kits of BG2 will be available. Maybe Tactics will still be of use...
    As for the challenge, have you thought about pause allowance and maximum number of team mates?
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Nothing wrong with pausing, and fewer party members make the game easier due to faster levelling.
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    T'was just a bunch of ideas. I think not being able to pause would make the game even harder (tried in BG2 but with only one character in multiplayer).
    Yes fewer party members means faster levelling but it does not necessarilly makes the game easier. It really depends of the classes you choose. The F/M which comes to my mind could prove your point, but maybe not single class, kitless characters. Anyway, fun is you can come up with any kind of custom rule to enjoy this game another way...
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    What about dual classing at level 39 and then playing the whole series like that?
  • mlitanomlitano Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2012
    I plan on playing with my friend on our own "Hard Mode". Reloading the game over and over removes 90% of the challenge in this game.

    We basically plan to NEVER reload unless of-course the main character dies (without exploiting this too). The most challenging aspect of this is death. If a party member dies they have to be resurrected by a cleric or in a temple. If they explode they are gone forever.

    This forces you to micro manage everything about the game.

  • alkaiseralkaiser Member Posts: 29
    I'll try something like this and make some videos. But I'll keep the first roll of scores that I get for abilities, whatever they might be, and I will play a single player game with the default npcs. The maximum difficult and the fact that I won't load games to a previous state, even in case of death, makes the game harder enough... and I can enjoy it and keep the role-playing... I won't even play as a Paladin as usual, I'll play as a mage probably.
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