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Reconsidering Ano Love

Hi, as many of you know, I've always been a sucker for Anomen's good looks and hot body. Then, I just tonight got this little gem of a dialogue upon showing mercy to a poor little low-level rogue caught in the crossfire between Renal Bloodscalp and Mae'Var:


Huh. This made me think, Damn, Ano, girl, how evil can you be? This fellow has a seriously bad, abusive darkside, that is making me rethink how I have defended him and "loved" him. How can he speak to Jaheira like that? Or to any woman, for that matter? Hotness will only give you a pass so many times.

The only thing is, the dude is so damned powerful. Which, when combined with good looks, equates to me as sexy. As in, drop-dead gorgeous, omg, I can't resist you, I don't care what your alignment is or if you abuse me, sexy.

And, I don't know who I could replace him with. A cleric with a free seven levels of fighter? Dang. And, I know that he is redeemable, eventually.

But still, the harshness of this exchange has got me to rethinking my support for the guy.

Thoughts? Comments?


  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,345
    Just hang in there. It's somewhat similar with Viconia (although she's not as stupid), but when the romance runs its full course it ends up being worth the journey. You can RP it as seeing the potential for good and wisdom in him, and sticking to that even when his actions warrant otherwise.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    edited November 2012
    Before we discuss your issues with Ano, let's talk about that weird, weird custom portrait of Minsc.

    Nevermind the goatee (?!). It looks like a blind gibberling tried to give him a haircut.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @Brude - That is actually a beard, and that portrait is from Enkida's Portrait Pack.

    @Belgarathmth - Replace Anomen with Cernd! Kidding. Kidding. But, I think Anomen said that to Jaheira because of his upbringing, and such. However, what he said is pretty uncalled for.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    That portrait pack is by Enkida, here:

    It "prettifies" the portraits, removes most of the scars, and adds better outfits, such as the red scarf Ano is wearing.

    I agree with the artistic decision to make Minsc black, like Dynaheir. It makes perfect sense to me.

    And the hair thing is meant to represent his head injury.

    If you don't like those artistic decisions, just don't use the portrait pack. There, problem solved. :)
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    @belgarathmth my post was meant to be a lighthearted joke, nothing more.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Brude, ah, okay. Another jest falls victim to text-only communication, cut off from the all-important tone-of-voice, facial expressions, and body language that are so vital to human interaction, especially in comedy and humor.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Personally I found him rather reprehensible, dull, and ultimately forgettable.

    Since he's competing with a Mage/Cleric, a Fighter/Druid (who combines healing and Iron Skins with a raise dead because she's neat like that), a Drow's epicsauce magic resistance (and overall superior cleric-ness), a Halfling who happens to embody everything he *should*, better than he can ever hope to, and a comical berserker duo with their stats in all the right places, he's not even managed to stay in my party more than once or twice, there's someone better than him at pretty much everything he might hope to be.

    Which is probably fortunate. Should that conversation have cropped up with 90% of my Charname's in the party of either gender, Anomen would swiftly find himself missing parts vital for ongoing life functions.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Pantalion, LOL. Well, I wouldn't agree with you from a power-gaming perspective (SEVEN levels of fighter, absolutely free of charge, plus all clerical spells), but I certainly appreciate how all the Ano-hate arises from a roleplaying perspective.

    If he's not your type, such that his good looks and huge muscles do nothing for you, then, it is very, very easy to hate him. Especially if you never played out his story to the point where he starts to soften up.

    The thought of inspiring a dark personality to his redemption, through my influence and because he loves me, either as his friend or as his lover, is moth-to-flame, bait to self-destruction, for the likes of me.

    The fantasy here for me, is that in the SoA story, Ano's redemption through my love and influence is actually possible.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @Pantalion - Its funny that you say that because my CHARNAME is a Cleric/Mage in a party with Minsc, Jaheira, Viconia, Mazzy, and a mod NPC named Adrian right now, and I agree. Anomen just seems kind of meh, when compared to them.

    Nine hells, I was even planning on having Anomen join the party when I get Keldorn because I wanted to see how snarky (or pissy) Adrian could get around them. Hah.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    Jalily said:

    I'm actually relieved to learn that you didn't know about his behavior toward women before you declared your love for him. There's a reason almost every woman hates this guy. :)

    Not just women. Ano lasted about 90 seconds in my party. I think he might have gotten three full sentences out before I booted him.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,345
    I don't find him that bad. He's basically a gentleman knight compared to Shar-Teel, and she seems to be a fairly popular character.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited November 2012
    I am going to start using the "like" button to mean "LOL". As in "you made me laugh out loud - literally". My clicking of your "like" button should not necessarily be construed as agreement or approval. Rather, it is an appreciation of your intelligence, wit, and humor.

    "The opinions expressed in this program are not necessarily those of the staff or management of Belgarath, Inc."
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @LadyRhian, I certainly can see your point of view. But I guess I am just too influenced by his looks. I think maybe gay men are more susceptible to good looks in men than are enlightened, powerful women. Or, maybe I'm just not an enlightened, powerful gay man. Either way, I just cannot bring myself to hate a man who freaking looks like that, regardless of what he says or does, as long as he pays attention to me and keeps "throwing me a bone" from time to time that he wants me in his orbit.

    Sad, isn't it? LOL
  • alannahsmithalannahsmith Member Posts: 143
    Ano would be good for a ride, but only if he likes it rough. Because I would slap him more than a few times for some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth. But it would be a night to remember! ;-)
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    edited November 2012

    Sad, isn't it? LOL

    Sadder than a dwarf being beaten by a goblin.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I wish he embraced his dark side and remained lawful neutral.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Ano is always going to become a redeemed knight under my influence. Or else, I just might go @LadyRhian's way and do bad things to him. Not the good kind of bad things, the really, actually bad kind of bad things.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    @LadyRhian, I certainly can see your point of view. But I guess I am just too influenced by his looks. I think maybe gay men are more susceptible to good looks in men than are enlightened, powerful women. Or, maybe I'm just not an enlightened, powerful gay man. Either way, I just cannot bring myself to hate a man who freaking looks like that, regardless of what he says or does, as long as he pays attention to me and keeps "throwing me a bone" from time to time that he wants me in his orbit.

    Sad, isn't it? LOL

    Doesn't sound sad to me. I've known folks who get attracted to others far too easily, and they do indeed go through a lot of pain ... but I've known plenty of other individuals who freaking never get attracted to anybody, and they're usually in some pain PLUS they are just not fun to be around. Sure, the best bet is having a balance between those two extremes, but I'll take the former type of person as my friend sooner ANY day.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited November 2012
    @Pantalion, ROFLMAO. Okay, I can see your points.

    First off, Vicky is never going to be a suitable choice for me, because I am good, and she is evil, and I don't care to play a game where I have to keep my reputation in the sewer in order to avoid my cleric or my mage or my main dps tank walking off in the middle of a dungeon-of-no-return. (Vicky, Eddie, and Korgy, I'm looking at YOU!) I tried an "evil" party game once, and it got old so fast, I abandoned it before I had even gotten close to being ready to go to Spellhold.

    It is never a choice for me to take Jaheira or Ano. Jaheira will always be in my BG party. I have undying loyalty to the woman. The same goes for Minsc. The two of them will always be in my party, no matter what. They might as well be hard-coded into my game as forced party members.

    So, all of that said, my choice is between Ano or.... who? I actually have an alternate love if mods are allowed - Gavin. But who knows if Berelinde is going to adapt him for the new EE versions of the game, which I plan to switch to on a permanent basis.

    I can potentially be the party cleric myself, and let him go that way, but I don't like to give up my skaldsong, and my high lore, and my arcane spells.

    At 6'4" and 280 pounds in real life, I am never going to identify with any race but human (or half-orc, but, bleagh), so cleric-mage is out.

    Sometimes I bring Aerie, but she is no substitute for Ano, as she is one cleric spell level behind him for the whole game.

    And, again, Ano is hands-down, the most drop-dead, gorgeous, absolutely my type in every way, man that I have ever met in a game. (Close runners-up would be Carth and Alistair.)

    I think that I will just have to keep my loyalty to him, and use my "feminine" wiles to turn him from his wicked nature and change him into the hero of a man I know he can be.

  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited November 2012
    Anomen is a bit of an ass indeed, but there is always a solution!

    Several times, he would say something or react in a way that even my last screws of sanity would get loose. What usually happened, was the following:

    1) Listen to him, with patience.

    2) Try to be understanding, since he had a rough life and a horrible father.

    3) Fail miserably to do the previous.

    4) When 3 occured, like every time, my face got an expression like my avatar, and then we go to number 5.

    5) Save -> Kick his ass all over the place -> Load -> Kick his ass again -> And again -> etc

    6) Load -> Hey Anomen, my paladin buddy, what were you saying? :]

    Worked like a charm, i felt bad about my bursts of rage though :x

    Now to be serious, i always thought that Anomen had distinct flaws that made him human and alive.

    And that's what i liked about him, he caused reactions, no one was indifferent to him, which means good writing.

    He's an insecure person, because of his past, and it shows, he tries to prove he's strong, and his insecurity comes out with sexism too.

    Anyway, i like Anomen for his believable personality, although some times, i did kick his ass just to vent.

    Sorry Ano o/

  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    Shin said:

    I don't find him that bad. He's basically a gentleman knight compared to Shar-Teel, and she seems to be a fairly popular character.

    Compared to Shar-teel, an ogre is a "gentleman knight." =D
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    @Brude : I believe that's what he meant - Anomen *is* an Ogre XD

    Meh, he's detestable. Not in a "I don't care" way, but in a "you really are a piece of work, I wish I could toss you in a room filled with Beholders. Oh wait, I *can*! :D "CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR2101")
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    You to cart along "punches kittens" Anomen but you don't have the same patience to redeem Viconia and turn her Neutral Good? She actually does *fewer* reprehensible things in the plot than he does. If staying at 18+ Rep is important (or bookkeeping ain't your thing) then it's actually pretty simple to remove the whining and leaving from evil parties.

    Who knows, maybe the upcoming EE romance will actually feature a certain other human romance who you can swap portraits with Anomen? Though it's a little disconcerting to hear you say "powergaming perspective", then follow up with "Bard", heck, maybe someone will make a square-jawed Skald NPC you can bring along to romance instead. If decent and intuitive modding tools become available with all this newfound engine tidying then who knows what the modding scene will bring?

    @Mornmagor - Actually that's a good point, Charname's father is the god of Murder, and they were raised by a crazy old coot who never bothered to memorise anything other than Magic Missile, yet somehow none of the "neutral" options in those dialogues involve telling valued team-mates that they're worthless, extolling the murder of helpless little dudes, or anything that pings above a 5 on the Misandry meter.

  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Pantalion, Ano won't leave my party at 20 reputation. My reputation always goes up to 20. I can't help it.

    If he ever hurt one of my kitty cats, he wouldn't just be out of my party, he'd be dead. Fortunately, I've never known him to do such an unforgivable thing.

    We are still just having fun here, aren't we? If there's any animosity going on, you win, and I'm out.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited November 2012
    Pantalion said:

    You to cart along "punches kittens" Anomen but you don't have the same patience to redeem Viconia and turn her Neutral Good?

    Correction: True Neutral. (Good post mind you but I have to be exact.)
  • ForseForse Member Posts: 106
    edited November 2012
    I have only played with Anomen once, and it was when I played an evil Monk. I knew about his quests, and consciously made him fail his knight test, staying in line with the evilness of my character. It was really hard to do as I really felt for the guy, what with his messed up family life. Next time around I'll definitely pick him up with a good party and guide him to become wise and good. Man I'm soft, I really can't enjoy playing evil. I like being soft. :)

    Edit: Having said that, yes, he is a complete and utter arse! But arses also need love, Anomen's story is quite good in that it gives you some background on how he became what he is.
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