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[Request]Improved encounter/group placement AI

ManveruManveru Member Posts: 75
This request is a bit more specific then generally improving the AI. What bugs me a lot after playing practically any RPG is that encounters are so very static. E.g. a group of bandits will just stand there on the road until you come in sight and then they'll act and attack you, every time they stand in exactly the same position and use the same tactics when attacking. While this is pretty 'iconic' behaviour for RPG's, I would like to make a plea to make this more dynamic. I don't want the feeling that I'm encountering just another bandit group that's placed at a certain point just for me, it takes away all the immersion after a while as every encounter will feel the same. What I would like to see, and yes I understand this is probably way out of the scope of BGEE, is a more living world where a group of bandit perhaps stay camped around the same spot during the game, but they will sleep during the night (and perhaps set out watches), patrol/ambush during the day and not standing blandly on the road day and night. Perhaps even where you have to use tactics like in the old Commandos games, and I'm now getting totally out of BGEE focus but a guy can dream right? :D


  • HeroicSpurHeroicSpur Member Posts: 907
    Lol, funny you should mention Commandos, was just thinking of reinstalling it the other day. Otherwise I think you're correct, some flexibility with placement is important.

    I would also seek to extend this request to have plot based encounters shuffled around a bit so they are in more sensible locations. Particularly with Tamoko it's possible to miss certain encounters, even when being thorough.
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