Unique Creature Types - Fine With You or is There a Lack of Using Pre-Existing Creatures from AD&D?

What do you guys think about there being so many unique creature types in these Infinity Engine games that aren't in pen and paper AD&D? There are *many*. Things like Kobold Commandos, Ogre Beserkers, Crypt Crawlers, Greater Ghouls, Neo-Orogs, Shadowed Orcs, Poison Zombies, Blast Skeletons (I hate these), and the list goes on.
I understand the need to keep the challenge up, but there are *hundreds* of different creature types in AD&D in a variety of monster manuals, fiend folios, etc. Do you wish the game used more traditional creatures and didn't make so many upgrades, or are you fine with these new types?
I understand the need to keep the challenge up, but there are *hundreds* of different creature types in AD&D in a variety of monster manuals, fiend folios, etc. Do you wish the game used more traditional creatures and didn't make so many upgrades, or are you fine with these new types?