PC deaths / explosions / failures, when did it last happen to you?

With my PC currently dead from unexpected motherboard or PSU meltdown, I was thinking of when this last happened, and it was around 6 years ago when I had a PSU literally explode with smoke.
Currently my motherboard simply won't power on nor my fans spin, even though both it and my PSU light up. I thought it was the motherboard first, but then tech support told me it could be the PSU too, so I ordered both a new PSU and motherboard, which was actually needed since it gives me new warranties, as my current board is 32 months old, and my PSU almost 5 years old, and I don't need a new socket / CPU unless my CPU ever dies.
So I though that an interesting topic idea would be for people to discuss any of their PC failures. Feel free to post similar stories of your PC, (or Mac, but those don't die right?
) having ever been sent to computer heaven.
Currently my motherboard simply won't power on nor my fans spin, even though both it and my PSU light up. I thought it was the motherboard first, but then tech support told me it could be the PSU too, so I ordered both a new PSU and motherboard, which was actually needed since it gives me new warranties, as my current board is 32 months old, and my PSU almost 5 years old, and I don't need a new socket / CPU unless my CPU ever dies.
So I though that an interesting topic idea would be for people to discuss any of their PC failures. Feel free to post similar stories of your PC, (or Mac, but those don't die right?

For the most part, I've had good luck doing this and have had very few hardware issues. In my many years of putting together systems, I think I've only lost 3 PSU's, 1 video board, a couple of fans, 1 hard drive (maxtor), and a monitor.
Of that, only 1 PSU went bad within the first year of installing it into the case.
I then bought an asus netbook early last year, only to find that the plastic connecting the screen and the hard drive has been gradually breaking apart. Its a big problem on asus netbooks. I'll probably just fix it myself at some point, but at this point the screen is seperated physically from the keyboard/hard drive lol.
For my desktop my four year old hard drive suddenly started grinding like mad out of the blue in june or so, right in the middle of me taking summer courses. My computer became unresponsive in game, and I immediately cut the power but the damage was done. Thankfully I had copies of all my assignments, but I lost all of the steam games I had downloaded as well as other games and saved game files I had on the computer. For someone living with a fixed download cap for the internet of like 30gb/month, this sucked but it could have been worse.
In short I'm terrible with buying/using computers lol.
Hmmm, not plenty of things happened to my PCs. I usually change them as if they were breeding like Vermin for one reason or the other.
Awaiting my new PC, the one I currently use is from 2009 (no problems), the one before was from 2004 (no SERIOUS added 2 GB RAM in it as well as a GeForce 6800 instead of the 6600 I had at the beginning, which caused some power issues. Had to put more power into the box (which remarkably was as simple as improving a cable).
Before that, I had a 2001 IBM if I am not mistaken... That one had serious problems. First, my hard disk was filled with "Bad Sectors", my OS kept going almighty bollocks. In order to back everything up I had to reinstall WinXP about 6 times in one day. It was a nightmare. Changed Hard Disk, everything was fine for a couple of months and then, in 2004, I was playing Need For Speed Underground (or was it 2, can't recall) as it froze completely. I turned it off and restarted it but... it didn't. It simply wouldn't get into the OS. Turns out that the processor somehow managed to burn itself as WELL as my Hard Disk in the process. Lost anything I had, even my most precious Morrowind Character. I was a sad Cheeseslice for a long while
I want to keep this expensive mobo and CPU for a long long time, I didnt throw away all that money just to have it die within 3 years, and this PSU failure made me sad
I got an RMA set up for the old PSU, but its nowhere near as efficient or high end for reliability anymore as this XFX one, but being a 1100 watt unit, a working replacement should fetch a decent amount second hand, at least the cost of the new one.
The next better PSU than this one was either a 850 watt gold rated for £135, or 1050 watt gold for £160, those were way too much. I saw an 860 watt platinum rated one from Corsair for like £175, and I was like WTH, £80 more for an additional 4% efficiency, lolno, though secretly thats the one I wanted
It was actually slightly better than my current high end board, but not buy much that it was worth replacing.