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Trent Oster Interview at Shacknews

bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
Enjoy :)
Shacknews: Will DLC take precedence over BG2:EE or will you work on them simultaneously?

Oster: BG2:EE will take precedence over DLC. We're under contract on the game, the DLC doesn't have a hard ship date, so it is going to come after.


  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    I wish they had new screenshots to show off for these interviews.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Very good read, excellent even.
    I'm happy to see that thus far, the game was preorder more than Oster initially planned. That's an omen for good things to come I hope! :)
  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259
    @bigdogchris Thanks for posting this! Interesting stuff!
  • Arabus13Arabus13 Member Posts: 102
    From the interview:

    "The DirectPlay systems had a lot of performance and reliability issues in the original codebase and we were able to reduce the complexity and clean up the entire system by.....nuking DirectPlay from orbit."

    It's the only way to be sure!
  • ScooterScooter Member Posts: 182
    Shacknews: Has Jim Cummings had to make an appearance as Minsc?

    Oster: We haven't added any new voice work for Minsc. Due to an old agreement, we are limited in terms of what we can do with old characters and new content. For completely new content such as expansions, those limitations don't exist, so we're going to give Jim a call one of these days, but for now, fun must wait.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    An interview published yesterday:

    Looks like things are on track.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    So now we know how many new voices will be in BG:EE
    40 of them. That is quite alot.

    Thanks for sharing.
  • GilgalahadGilgalahad Member Posts: 237
    Thanks for that link Lemernis. I think this should be highlighted better somehow so that EVERYONE can read it. It will answer a ton of questions that have been asked repeatedly on the forums to this point and should bolster the confidence of those who have expressed doubt. I've no idea how this works, but maybe this could be stickied by a mod? I never had any doubts but i had wondered as well at some of the difficulties encountered and a few other tidbits and this interview helped me understand better.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    Oops, Chris beat me to it, sorry I missed that.
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