How to fix the Charm bug in bg1??

Ok, I'm playing bg1, my main character got dire charmed by the sirens and I charmed him back. Bad idea.. Now whenever the charm runs out (mainly when I travel between areas that are far apart) he becomes hostile but just sits there unless I re charm him.. He can't continue quest chains when in this state, I have to talk to people with an npc to continue a quest, turn it in, etc.. What variable do I need to change in gate keeper to fix this? IE to remove the charmed global variable to get him back to normal?
Drink a potion of clarity
Drink a potion of magic blocking
Use a Scroll of Protection from Magic
One of those should work. Alternatively, export your character, transfer your savegame file to multiplayer, load the game, in the character arbitration delete and recreate your main PC, start the game, save it, retransfer the saved game and play on. Should work like that IMO :P
If it'll work, I can explain you the steps more carefully if you wish