Looking for group BGEE+BG2EE

in Multiplayer
Hey everyone! I'm a big fan of the game and I've always done solo runs. I'm looking to try out multiplayer for the first time with a group and nobody I know has this games. Doesn't matter if we do everything or are serious with it.. just want to have fun with it. I have skype and I can download discord if need be (I've heard that's what most people use). I'd rather not host just due to me not doing this before, but I can if needed. I also live in Texas (for time zone purposes) and my hours will vary. Weekends are always open for me if we want to do it then.
Also note, I do not have SoD, so we will have to skip that if you have it.
I've done a pure fighter or beserker, fighter/mage multi, and dabbled into cleric a few times here and there. I've never done thief just due to that I don't like their abilities but I'm willing to try it with a group.
Let me know if you're down!
Also note, I do not have SoD, so we will have to skip that if you have it.
I've done a pure fighter or beserker, fighter/mage multi, and dabbled into cleric a few times here and there. I've never done thief just due to that I don't like their abilities but I'm willing to try it with a group.
Let me know if you're down!