[Request] Mod that makes more loot locations use loot table drops

in IWD:EE Mods
From my forum searches it appears most people dislike the loot table system in IWD, but I really enjoy it. I like the replayability that it adds and would like to expand on it.
Is there any mod that greatly increases the number of locations with loot tables. If not, how difficult would it be to make such a mod for someone who has limited experience modding other games and almost zero experience modding the Infinity Engine games?
Is there any mod that greatly increases the number of locations with loot tables. If not, how difficult would it be to make such a mod for someone who has limited experience modding other games and almost zero experience modding the Infinity Engine games?
But I wouldn't go for too much random loot places, rather some of that, some new enemies with that loot random tables, some old enemies with that tables, some in shops etc.
I don't know if this is possible (or if possible - easy to do), but divide items into categories & tiers, then spread them across places/enemies I mentioned above.
I will give an example:
We have pool of tier 1 items, lets say containing 30 items.
5 items from that pool are randomly chosen and placed in Orrick shop, another 5 in Conlan shop (there could be segregation on tier1 items, and i.e. Orrick shop could get only mage type items).
Now you just go to quest and find random loot spot. You could find items there from all tier1 pool and lets say there is 25% chances of containg item from tier 2 pool, 5% chance to contain item from tier3 and 1% to contain item from 'special tier' pool.
You go to chapter 3 and now common tier of items in pool is tier2 with small chances of lower/higher tier of items.
I could write more but it was just example, and you can adjust how that will work. Like some place contain only mage items, another all tier1, another 2x tier1, 1xtier2, 3x ranom gem + 1xrandom scroll.
Atm I IWD runs are pretty much similar with some exceptions. Your party at the end of game will look almost same equipment wise each run since some best items are guaranteed.
Just my 3 cents
Before one can consider adding more random items, though, we would need a mod that add both more items to the game, but also add the existing, not used items.
Anyway I was searching a bit IWD and modding and seems like most ppl who created big mods like Auril's Bane (never played it, but checked files and what is inside yesterday) are absent or went for BG. That person who did mod I have just mentioned had big project almost size of HoW but data was corrupted for this years ago.
Does anyone know if there's a way to affect the odds of one item being picked over another? For example, if I put 3 of item "X", 2 of item "Y" and one of item "Z", does "Z" only have a 1/6 chance to drop?
also, if you want to change the loot that enemies drop, you can just adjust their random treasure item columns