My first play through in almost 2 decades? ... group composition ...
I'm try so hard to not hugely metagame but I want a group I like so I've been researching a bit trying to gloss over any spoilers of story and items ... so please no story or item spoilers when answering if possible...
Does this seem like a fun group ? That covers most things ? Not looking for most powerful group ... just cool good aligned group ... maybe one neutral not sure
1.) Me:.......................................... PC - Cavalier / Tank
2.) Ajantis: ................................... DPS/Melee/Backup tank
3.) Yeslick or Branwen: ............... Buffs/heals/some Melee DPS back up
4.) Coran: .................................... DPS / ranged / pick locks and other thief skills except traps
5.) Imoen: ................................... Thief mage 4-5/9 100 in traps not sure the benefit of 5th level thief vs mage quicker in game
6.) Neera:.................................... Wild mage seems fun plus I already bought her heh
I know any party can go through the game I'm sure but this one seems cool and put days of thought into it ...
Opinions? Thoughts on priest? Leaning towards Yeslick since good alignment but is Pure cleric maybe better at end of BG:EE don't care about BG2:EE yet will buy it later though
Anyway I enjoy theory crafting a little and thought this would be cool group
Does this seem like a fun group ? That covers most things ? Not looking for most powerful group ... just cool good aligned group ... maybe one neutral not sure
1.) Me:.......................................... PC - Cavalier / Tank
2.) Ajantis: ................................... DPS/Melee/Backup tank
3.) Yeslick or Branwen: ............... Buffs/heals/some Melee DPS back up
4.) Coran: .................................... DPS / ranged / pick locks and other thief skills except traps
5.) Imoen: ................................... Thief mage 4-5/9 100 in traps not sure the benefit of 5th level thief vs mage quicker in game
6.) Neera:.................................... Wild mage seems fun plus I already bought her heh
I know any party can go through the game I'm sure but this one seems cool and put days of thought into it ...
Opinions? Thoughts on priest? Leaning towards Yeslick since good alignment but is Pure cleric maybe better at end of BG:EE don't care about BG2:EE yet will buy it later though
Anyway I enjoy theory crafting a little and thought this would be cool group
Yeslick and Branwen can be very different. When properly geared Yeslick can be a solid tank, but not really Branwen. But you'll be the tank, so you may not need him.
My main advice is not to use a 6 man party. I prefer 4 or 5 at most. With 6 people the leveling gets quite slow.
Also, in some future play-through defiantly take Minsc and Dynhaer (sp?). They are great.
Also, with you being a Cav, Minsc is probably a better partner than Ajantis. But with you being a Cav, for me, I'd take Two Handed Swords on my PC and let Ajantis be the main tank with Sword and Shield because he's already got 2 points into Bastard Swords and he doesn't have good strength, so may as well let him take on that role while you maximize your damage.
Ajantis isn't a good DPS character, but Minsc and Kivan are, so either of those would be better partners if you plan to be tank and want another melee DPS.
This party will certainly perform to your liking. Keep in mind that you only get access to Coran and Yeslick relatively late in the game, so you might want to take someone else along before getting to them (like Branwen instead of Yeslick or Kivan instead of Coran). There are many things one could change to get to a more efficient setup, but there's really no need to do so - if all you want is get through the unmodded game and have a fun time doing so, almost any party composition will work
I personally would pick Yeslick for this party, but really either would work just as well.
Yeslick also comes really late, but you can just use Branwen until then
Also agree with Malachi on Imoen, dual her at 5 or even at level 6. Dualing her at 5 gives you x3 backstab modifier, if you like to backstab with thieves. At level 6 she should have enough points to cover both traps and locks , 85-90 in both is sufficient, really only in Durlag's Tower would she have issues with any traps or locks and potions of master thievery are plentiful in the game. Then Coran could focus on setting traps or stealth or you could just go with Kivan.
Also, at level 6, Imoen would still be able to reach the maximum level for a mage in Baldur's Gate, which is level 9. The only downside to it is that it would take longer to get her thief levels back. But if you have Coran he should able to handle anything that you really would need him to with some potions.. Also don't forget the level 2 mage spell Knock will open any locked doors or chests, too.
My main concern with this party is that you and Ajantis seem to overlap considerably, and he will likely feel like an understatted you by the end of the game. That said, he is still a pretty solid choice, and I love taking a cavalier through the sequel, if that is your plan for the PC.
New party is
Charname - archer
Ajantis - tank
Minsc - Melee 2 handed dps
Coran - bow dps / Locks / stealth
Branwen - straight cleric buffing machine instead of the multi yeslick since I have two great up front guys
Imoen - 4/9 mage - traps - .... the reason for 4/9 in my thinking was don't need locks on here with coran and can get her thief dual abilities back quicker and level the mage faster ... not playing bg2ee on this run anyway ...
thoughts? My group is around level 4 now on chapter 3 playing hard difficult with the xtra damage turned off so I just get more monster chars to spawn with a little better abilities ... I'm finding that this group may be to powerful thus far as I'm just not dying much with the pause function and being able to get the front line on the mobs while pew pew from back plus cleric buffs ... I may go to insane and try it or just start a new party that has more challenge ... I think this one is way to powerful thus far ... I could turn the extra damage on but that just seems artificial in nature
If you want to experience a challenge with your current run, why not go for an encounter that your party is a bit underleveled for? You could rush to the Iron Mine, try your hand at the Ice Island or Durlag's Tower. Most encounters in the wilderness areas will not challenge a well-balanced party with some levels under its belt too much in the vanilla game.
If you are using rest-spam, then the game will feel even easier. I make a point of resting only at inns, unless in real emergency (and the risk of a random encounter when trying to rest becomes a real risk). This is the only real limitation I place on myself, and I find enough challenge once the monsters start piling status effects on top of the damage.
Of course, in terms of power-gaming, the archer is probably the single most overpowered PC for the first game, where range damage is king. That effect will fall off rapidly when you hit the second game, which leans increasingly towards the mages as you hit higher levels.
" I could turn the extra damage on but that just seems artificial in nature "
I'd say that the extra damage makes it more realistic rather than that being "artificial in nature".
In reality, what damage could a fighter/person recieve before they became incapacitated?
So bump the damage up and that's a truer reflection (albeit an extremely limited way to reflect "real" fighting) of how you would deal with hostile groups intent on killing.
Instead of being able to shrug off injury, you have to avoid it wherever possible and if you can't avoid it, then it should be serious enough to alter behavior.
Most fighters died of infected injuries rather than being killed outright on the battlefield I think.
So injuries should be very damaging and very serious if there is going to be any reflection of RL.
BTW, Kivan is a better archer than Coran actually because he hits fighter level 7 much faster. It's actually hard to get Coran to fighter level 7, so in many games Coran will be 1/2 an attack behind Kivan for most of the end game. That's not to say that Kivan is better, because Coran has thieving ability, but in terms of pure damage, I find that Kivan actually outpaces Coran most of the time. Both get THAC0 low enough that they hit virtually 100% of the time.
Indeed overall I think Kivan is the best DPS char in the whole game because he's in the top 3 for both ranged and melee DPS, whereas most other chars can only be good in one or the other at a time, but he can be good in both at the same time.
Myself, I strongly prefer RPGs that are symmetric, so that players and enemies play using the same rules. This is why I like SCS, but not something that just increases enemy HP and damage.
I got Kivan as my leader in battle locations now and his whispering angst is much more palatable.
I am very enthused as I've finally seen that a "good" party (that does not cause gritting of teeth and severe indigestion) is possible with just a few sacrifices ....
I also am finding that a Kivan, Minsc and Imoen firing squad can be quite lethal with the right kit on hand ...