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(optional) screen shake for all explosions

Spells like fireball would be really fun with it although I can imagine that for some people it could be annoying.


  • KenKen Member Posts: 226
    It could be included yes, never thought of it myself. I think the "shake" effect could be implemented with certain spells through a spell editor.
  • GreedySadistGreedySadist Member Posts: 15
    but what if group of people would have fun in multiplayer, run with 6mages (duals, single class, kensai/mage for example) and they would all cast fireball at the same time, would there be more shaking or just the same amount of shaking?
    Otherwise it could be funny to see screen shake when you cast fireball
  • ankhegankheg Member Posts: 546
    It happens during some cutscenes and I remember it was in the BG2 trailer and I loved it. :)
  • ScooterScooter Member Posts: 182
    I just do it manually by shaking the screen and saying BOOOOMM
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,345
    I believe you can manually assign/remove the screen shake effect from pretty much all spells. Having it on fireball by default may not be a bad idea, but that would mean other spells of the same destructive/explosive magnitude ought to have it as well.
  • ankhegankheg Member Posts: 546
    edited November 2012
    Shin said:

    I believe you can manually assign/remove the screen shake effect from pretty much all spells. Having it on fireball by default may not be a bad idea, but that would mean other spells of the same destructive/explosive magnitude ought to have it as well.

    Yarp. Disintegration, sunfire, destroying petrified people etc. By the way it would be really nice to create some new effect for petrification. It's a bit dissapointing that some of the creatures are grey while the others just freeze.
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