I usually just try to steal something in plain sight, move to the door and wait for the flaming fist. then u offer to bribe them for -1 rep and our the door I go before they can attack me. I usually like to keep my reputation around 8 or so. I don't usually slaughter ppl for no reason cause my character is not that sort of evil (not a psychopath) but I will when they cross the line with me or its pars of a quest (like the archaeological dig thing)... it's tricky to roleplay a non-psycho in BG though cause of the way the system is designed though... there is no way to reliably get negative rep without being a psychotic murderer and there is no parallel "infamy" track for evil characters...
In regards to playing evil, I more concerned abut the order to pick up my team in the context of progressing the story and any side quests the evil NPCs might have. I wanted to have my PC ranger/cleric, Dorn or Shar-Teel (not sure which character is more fun), Kagain, Viconia, Edwin, and for a thief either Imoen or Coran (again which character is more fun). Though 1 guide I'm reading says to dual Shar-Teel to thief. The guide I'm reading also says if you pick them up at later levels its a bad idea because they will have less HP and to pick them up as soon as possible. Right now its just my PC and Imoen at level 2. My PC's charisma is 18, so I dont think I will need to keep my reputation low to keep the team together?
The guide I'm reading also says if you pick them up at later levels its a bad idea because they will have less HP and to pick them up as soon as possible.
Latest patch of the game has character join at low level with an equivalent amount of xp as yourself, so you don't have to worry about low HP or bad skill picks.
The guide I'm reading also says if you pick them up at later levels its a bad idea because they will have less HP and to pick them up as soon as possible.
Latest patch of the game has character join at low level with an equivalent amount of xp as yourself, so you don't have to worry about low HP or bad skill picks.
ye companions now join with up to 32 000 xp and you can level them up yourself. no more crappy HP rolls or odd stat choices.
A strange question but clarify it a little more. What part of the evil play through would you want a guide on: NPC's, quests, reply choices, etc. ? Evil is as evil does. In BG it's more reputation based and less alignment based. There is a mod over at G3 with a bardic reputation system you might like. http://www.gibberlings3.net/bg1npc/ "The BG1NPC Project: Bardic Reputation Adjustment This component places three Bards in three inns scattered on the Sword Coast. Each can be hired to spread your fearsome reputation around, decreasing your reputation. The amount of money this costs is dependent on your current reputation. This allows players to manipulate reputation both upwards through temple donations, and downwards through the spread of rumors (for those of us who hate killing an innocent just to keep neutral NPCs happy). "
There are guides on there, but i don't know about for evil characters.
There is a mod over at G3 with a bardic reputation system you might like.
"The BG1NPC Project: Bardic Reputation Adjustment
This component places three Bards in three inns scattered on the Sword Coast. Each can be hired to spread your fearsome reputation around, decreasing your reputation. The amount of money this costs is dependent on your current reputation. This allows players to manipulate reputation both upwards through temple donations, and downwards through the spread of rumors (for those of us who hate killing an innocent just to keep neutral NPCs happy). "