[WIP] Weavescale Sorcerer Kit (available for testing), and Alarin NPC

Hey guys,
I'm working on a NPC, and created a new kit to fit him. Without further ado, here are the mod features:
A brand new kit, that will be available for PC (justifying it roleplay-wise might be a tad complicated though) but is mostly meant for the NPC:
Weavescale Sorcerer:
Class description: The Weavescale Sorcerers is a secretive organisation of Mystra-worshipping sorcerers. Most of their members are Neutral individuals who left the Yuan-ti ever-scheming society to study magic for the sake of the Art, but humans may become Weavescale Sorcerers if they undergo the transformation to become Tainted Ones. Weavescale Sorcerers have their own set of rituals, which give them a better control over their magic abilities, slightly limiting them in the process.
• Can only be Human, and on Character Creation, changes Race to Yuan-Ti and grants Scale Armor: -2 bonus to AC, +2 bonus to Constitution
• Arcana Burst: A Weavescale Sorcerer can cast Arcana Burst once per day per 2 levels. Arcana Burst drains a spell from the Weavescale Sorcerer (of the highest level may still cast) to deal stunning (Non-lethal) damage equal to 1d4 per level up to 20d4 at level 20 to a single target. The target may save vs spells for half damage. Once the Weavescale Sorcerer has obtained Elemental Mastery, may choose what type of damage Arcana Burst deals. Arcana Burst is considered to be a spell of the highest level the Weavescale Sorcerer can cast. Casting time is 1, range is 30 feet.
• Elemental Mastery: From level 7 on, a Weavescale Sorcerer can alter its spells to change the type of damage they deal. This affects all damaging spells, except innate ones and spells that deal physical damage. Upon casting them, the Weavescale Sorcerer will have to choose between Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire and Sonic (Non-lethal). Aside from the damaging part, the spell will behave exactly as the original, should it have any extra effect or allow a saving throw. If the original spell deals Magic damage, the Weavescale Sorcerer may also choose magic damage.
• Arcane Reach: From level 9 on, a Weavescale Sorcerer is able to shape its magic so that its touch spells and touch melee magical weapon (example: Vampiric Touch, Imprisonment, …) have a longer range than that of an ordinary sorcerer. This bonus is passive and affects every touch spell. At level 9, the range of these spells is 10 feet, increasing to 20 at level 14, and then to 30 at level 19.
• Counterspell Mastery: From level 20, every spell-deflecting ability now returns the spell to the sender rather than just deflecting it.
• Lower Elemental Resistance: From level 9, and then once every 4 levels, the Weavescale Sorcerer may cast Lower Elemental Resistance. may then choose from 4 elements (Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire) and a target. The target will have its corresponding resistance lowered by 10 (+1 per level)% for 5 turns. This spell offers no saving throw, bypasses magic resistance, and may lower the resistance below 0, effectively increasing the damage dealt to the target.
• Custom HLA table:
o May not choose the HLAs that give extra spellcasts
o May not choose Improved Alacrity
o May choose Scaletatoo of Speed once: Passively reduces casting time by one.
o May choose Seal of Spellfury once: Once per day, the Weavescale Sorcerer may cast spells with no delay between them, and deals 20% increased Elemental Damage for two rounds. Once these rounds have ended however, deals 20% reduced damage and casting time is increased by 2 for 1 turn
o May choose Slithervoice up to three times. Slithervoice is similar to Wail of the Banshee in that it forces any enemy in range to save vs Death with a +2 bonus or die, but on top of that, surviving enemies have all their saving throws reduced by 2 for a turn.
o May choose Weavescale Resilience I, II and III. These grant a cumulative 2, 5 and 8% bonus magic resistance
o Once Weavescale Resilience has been picked three times, may select School Immunity. School Immunity is a one-time ability that grants permanent immunity to the school of the choice of the caster
• Experience Penalty: 20%
• Magic Damage penalty: 25%
• May cast one fewer spell per level
• Max number of spells of each level caps at 5 for spells of level 5-, 4 for spells of levels 6+ (instead of 6 spells of each level for a normal Sorcerer)
Compatibility: Spell Revision and IWDification are recommended for a better consistency of the mod, since I used SR's version of some spells to make mine, and IWDification's new wizard spells are also covered by this mod.
And a NPC, Alarin, which should be fully voiced by myself eventually:
Alarin is a Lawful Neutral Weavescale Yuan-Ti Abomination Sorcerer. The Weavescale order is a Neutral-aligned secretive organisation of Yuan-Ti sorcerers and mages. They are tracked by their kin for being traitors. The Weavescale order considers that Magic is an art which shouldn’t be used towards lesser goals, such as political ends. Thus they accordingly despise organisations such as the Red Wizards of Thay, and, of course, their own kin.
In addition to the usual perks of a Weavescale Sorcerer, Alarin has special powers due to his Yuan-Ti abomination true nature:
-Has an innate 20% magic resistance.
-Can polymorph at will between a Human form and a Yuan-Ti form. As a Yuan-Ti, he gains an extra attack per round, increased Thac0, Strength, Charisma, but his cast time increases by 3.
-Starts with Slitherblade+2 in his inventory. Only Alarin may wield this sword. Slitherblade can be enhanced up to +3 in SoA and +5 in ToB.
Str: 14 (18/00 as a Yuan-Ti)
Dex: 12
Con: 10
Int: 14
Wis: 18
Cha: 15 (19 as a Yuan-Ti)
Total: 83
I'm planning on using the MANLEY9 male portrait, because my skills at making portraits or any kind of drawing are absolute zero, but if anyone feels like making a male human with Yuan-ti features portrait, feel free to contact me
Work Progression:
Kit: Available as a standalone for testing! Functional, though there might be some inconsistencies I missed (Spell Icons or string issues. I checked them but on 400 spells there must be some I missed)
The new sprites, enemies, scripts and items from the SoA questline are finished. For that part of the game, the dialogs are written, though not all of them are actually implemented. I've selected a few areas from IWD that will host the quest, I still have some work to do on that part.
What remains to be done:
-Properly implementing the quest
-Properly implementing the custom areas
-Banters: part of the writing and implementation
-At a later point, the ToB questline. It probably won't be included in the first release.
ETA: I can't give any ETA for the NPC as I have never made a NPC mod, or a quest Mod, and I don't know how long it'll take for me to learn all that.
Known Issues:
None at this time, please report any bug you find or things you would want to behave otherwise
25/12/17: Various bugfixes and description update. Fixed the superlong installation issue.
28/12/17: Various bugfixes. One balance change: experience penalty now starts at level 7, and is now 10%, down from 20.
I'm working on a NPC, and created a new kit to fit him. Without further ado, here are the mod features:
A brand new kit, that will be available for PC (justifying it roleplay-wise might be a tad complicated though) but is mostly meant for the NPC:
Weavescale Sorcerer:
Class description: The Weavescale Sorcerers is a secretive organisation of Mystra-worshipping sorcerers. Most of their members are Neutral individuals who left the Yuan-ti ever-scheming society to study magic for the sake of the Art, but humans may become Weavescale Sorcerers if they undergo the transformation to become Tainted Ones. Weavescale Sorcerers have their own set of rituals, which give them a better control over their magic abilities, slightly limiting them in the process.
• Can only be Human, and on Character Creation, changes Race to Yuan-Ti and grants Scale Armor: -2 bonus to AC, +2 bonus to Constitution
• Arcana Burst: A Weavescale Sorcerer can cast Arcana Burst once per day per 2 levels. Arcana Burst drains a spell from the Weavescale Sorcerer (of the highest level may still cast) to deal stunning (Non-lethal) damage equal to 1d4 per level up to 20d4 at level 20 to a single target. The target may save vs spells for half damage. Once the Weavescale Sorcerer has obtained Elemental Mastery, may choose what type of damage Arcana Burst deals. Arcana Burst is considered to be a spell of the highest level the Weavescale Sorcerer can cast. Casting time is 1, range is 30 feet.
• Elemental Mastery: From level 7 on, a Weavescale Sorcerer can alter its spells to change the type of damage they deal. This affects all damaging spells, except innate ones and spells that deal physical damage. Upon casting them, the Weavescale Sorcerer will have to choose between Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire and Sonic (Non-lethal). Aside from the damaging part, the spell will behave exactly as the original, should it have any extra effect or allow a saving throw. If the original spell deals Magic damage, the Weavescale Sorcerer may also choose magic damage.
• Arcane Reach: From level 9 on, a Weavescale Sorcerer is able to shape its magic so that its touch spells and touch melee magical weapon (example: Vampiric Touch, Imprisonment, …) have a longer range than that of an ordinary sorcerer. This bonus is passive and affects every touch spell. At level 9, the range of these spells is 10 feet, increasing to 20 at level 14, and then to 30 at level 19.
• Counterspell Mastery: From level 20, every spell-deflecting ability now returns the spell to the sender rather than just deflecting it.
• Lower Elemental Resistance: From level 9, and then once every 4 levels, the Weavescale Sorcerer may cast Lower Elemental Resistance. may then choose from 4 elements (Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire) and a target. The target will have its corresponding resistance lowered by 10 (+1 per level)% for 5 turns. This spell offers no saving throw, bypasses magic resistance, and may lower the resistance below 0, effectively increasing the damage dealt to the target.
• Custom HLA table:
o May not choose the HLAs that give extra spellcasts
o May not choose Improved Alacrity
o May choose Scaletatoo of Speed once: Passively reduces casting time by one.
o May choose Seal of Spellfury once: Once per day, the Weavescale Sorcerer may cast spells with no delay between them, and deals 20% increased Elemental Damage for two rounds. Once these rounds have ended however, deals 20% reduced damage and casting time is increased by 2 for 1 turn
o May choose Slithervoice up to three times. Slithervoice is similar to Wail of the Banshee in that it forces any enemy in range to save vs Death with a +2 bonus or die, but on top of that, surviving enemies have all their saving throws reduced by 2 for a turn.
o May choose Weavescale Resilience I, II and III. These grant a cumulative 2, 5 and 8% bonus magic resistance
o Once Weavescale Resilience has been picked three times, may select School Immunity. School Immunity is a one-time ability that grants permanent immunity to the school of the choice of the caster
• Experience Penalty: 20%
• Magic Damage penalty: 25%
• May cast one fewer spell per level
• Max number of spells of each level caps at 5 for spells of level 5-, 4 for spells of levels 6+ (instead of 6 spells of each level for a normal Sorcerer)
Compatibility: Spell Revision and IWDification are recommended for a better consistency of the mod, since I used SR's version of some spells to make mine, and IWDification's new wizard spells are also covered by this mod.
And a NPC, Alarin, which should be fully voiced by myself eventually:
Alarin is a Lawful Neutral Weavescale Yuan-Ti Abomination Sorcerer. The Weavescale order is a Neutral-aligned secretive organisation of Yuan-Ti sorcerers and mages. They are tracked by their kin for being traitors. The Weavescale order considers that Magic is an art which shouldn’t be used towards lesser goals, such as political ends. Thus they accordingly despise organisations such as the Red Wizards of Thay, and, of course, their own kin.
In addition to the usual perks of a Weavescale Sorcerer, Alarin has special powers due to his Yuan-Ti abomination true nature:
-Has an innate 20% magic resistance.
-Can polymorph at will between a Human form and a Yuan-Ti form. As a Yuan-Ti, he gains an extra attack per round, increased Thac0, Strength, Charisma, but his cast time increases by 3.
-Starts with Slitherblade+2 in his inventory. Only Alarin may wield this sword. Slitherblade can be enhanced up to +3 in SoA and +5 in ToB.
Str: 14 (18/00 as a Yuan-Ti)
Dex: 12
Con: 10
Int: 14
Wis: 18
Cha: 15 (19 as a Yuan-Ti)
Total: 83
I'm planning on using the MANLEY9 male portrait, because my skills at making portraits or any kind of drawing are absolute zero, but if anyone feels like making a male human with Yuan-ti features portrait, feel free to contact me

Work Progression:
Kit: Available as a standalone for testing! Functional, though there might be some inconsistencies I missed (Spell Icons or string issues. I checked them but on 400 spells there must be some I missed)
The new sprites, enemies, scripts and items from the SoA questline are finished. For that part of the game, the dialogs are written, though not all of them are actually implemented. I've selected a few areas from IWD that will host the quest, I still have some work to do on that part.
What remains to be done:
-Properly implementing the quest
-Properly implementing the custom areas
-Banters: part of the writing and implementation
-At a later point, the ToB questline. It probably won't be included in the first release.
ETA: I can't give any ETA for the NPC as I have never made a NPC mod, or a quest Mod, and I don't know how long it'll take for me to learn all that.
Known Issues:
None at this time, please report any bug you find or things you would want to behave otherwise

25/12/17: Various bugfixes and description update. Fixed the superlong installation issue.
28/12/17: Various bugfixes. One balance change: experience penalty now starts at level 7, and is now 10%, down from 20.
Post edited by Arunsun on
My first call was to set a permanent, undispellable spellstate on all mages and sorcerer that would basically be "not_weavescale" and one for the weavescale sorcerer that would be "weavescale", and then modify the spells directly, using the "cast spell on condition" with the condition being "spellstate of the caster is... ", and it would thus cast the Vanilla spell for mages/sorcerers and the custom one for this kit. However that would imply installing this kit after most tweaks, and might have caused AI issues etc... It appeared far too clanky, so I quickly gave up on that.
The solution I chose was to use a dialog upon level up that would check every known spell from the list of spell I have modified, and if there were some vanilla spells among them I would make them learn the custom spell and forget the old one. The issue with this solution is that if you choose a vanilla spell a first time, it would be forgotten, so the next time you may choose a spell of that level, it would be available again. To solve that, while checking what vanilla spell you know, the dialog will also check if you know the custom counterpart, and if you do, will tell you that you chose a spell you already know and allow you to pick another spell through the dialog (in the same way some other mods work, like Shadow Adept for example, or my Warlock mod). The custom spells feature two spell abilities, one for level 1-6, that essentially casts the vanilla spell, one for level 7+, that allows you to pick from a list, much like Spell Immunity, the type of damage you want, and then casts a copy of the vanilla spell whose damage component was modified.
There might be an elegant way to make copies of every affected wizard spell with WeiDU and make the process automatic but I am far too amateur to even consider that, which is why I chose to just do that manually with IWDification and Spell Revision, since mod users use them most of the time.
By the way, this just got me thinking that my alternate magic missile wouldn't be blocked by Shield. And this might concern some other spells but none come to my mind. Maybe Zone of Sweet Air and custom clouds. These should be easy fixes though.
Thank you for your help !
The kit is available for download in the OP. It's functional, though there might be some inconsistencies I missed (Spell Icons or string issues for instance. I checked them but on 400 spells there must be some I missed)
EDIT: I tried installing on BGEE and it gets stuck and doen't complete even after 15 minutes.
Concerning the installation, it is indeed very long, but not actually stuck. The reason for that is that I made a script that checks every spell and patches them if they have a certain effect (protection from X spell and the likes) that concerns one of the spell I edited.
A basic application is for the level 1 mage spell Shield. It gives protection from the Magic Missile mage spell. Due to editing the Magic Missile spell to enable choosing the elements, I have to patch the Shield spell so that it will also protect from these alternate Magic Missile. The script ensures every concerned spell that exists at the time of the install will undergo that process and be patched if needed, but I agree it's a very heavy process that takes a lot of time, for edge cases only but it ensures optimal compatibility with other mods.
I'll probably make an alternate version that will patch only the vanilla spells. It might trigger issues in very marginal cases with other mods but it will require a much lower amount of time to install.
Here is what I found:
1) The kit name and description in the Sorcerer section is for the Warlock.
2) In game the class name and description is for the Warlock.
3) It did give me the race bonus to CON, but my race name is blank.
4) I have an extra ability called "Weapon Slot", which has no description.
5) I do see the "Arcane Burst" ability and it seems to work.
I know about the race issue, I'll probably leave it to human in the end so that there will be no issues with romances.
The Weapon Slot ability is probably the ability that checks if you have learnt spells concerned by the modifications involved in this mod and replaces them. I'll change the name.
I am sorry there are so many bugs, this really is like an alpha, but I swear I'll update it by the end of next week and fix most bugs.
Thank you very much for testing these despite them being bugridden
Notes on what I see:
1) The install is much quicker.
2) Still have the issue that at character creation and in game it says Warlock with the Warlack description.
3) I see Arcane Burst and Weavescale Magic as special abilities now. So this looks like an update.
EDIT: I tried the Weavescale Magic ability at 1st level and it gave me what looks like an exact copy of the magic missile spell. Not sure what I should be seeing?
I'll probably explain the reason for the existence of this ability in the class description.
For now, not particularly. There has been no new modder features released so far that I am aware of. Later, when these will be revealed and implemented, well maybe I'll include some of them
Concerning the NPC and the questline that comes along, well, I am glad to announce that it has greatly improved. The new sprites, enemies, scripts and items from the SoA questline are finished. For that part of the game, the dialogs are written, though not all of them are actually implemented. I've selected a few areas from IWD that will host the quest, I still have some work to do on that part.
What remains to be done:
-Properly implementing the quest
-Properly implementing the custom areas
-Banters: part of the writing and implementation