I have 3 armor class. How did they hit me?
Member Posts: 21
I have armor class 7 plus dexterity mod - 4, making the new armor class 3. So the enemy needs to roll a 17 in order to hit me, right? The enemy my rolled a 15 or 14 and still hit me. How did he hit me?
There are a lot of further complications related to AC, e.g. some weapons are better at hitting particular types of armor than others and there is equipment that can give you a better defense against particular types of weapons. However, you don't need to get into those details to play the game.
when theyre fighting you,
What is X in the hit roll attack equation, 10 + X = Y?
All I can say is, we got VERY good at doing arithmetic in our heads back in the day.
the "10" represents the 1-20 roll the game makes known as the attack roll
the "X" represents your Base thac0 minus your thaco score ( so for example, if you are a level 3 fighter with 17 strength using a longsword with 2 proficiency points your base thac0 would be 18 and your thac0 would be 16) so after all the calculation the "X" would show up as a +2 ( 1 for strength and 1 for proficiency ) AND to top off all the madness if you have something that gives you a bonus ( like racial enemy for example) this also gets added to your "X" variant
i dont know why bg2 implemented the thac0 calculation back in '99 since it does make things more confusing to figure out, but that is how it is
so to make things as easy as possible, the lower the AC and the lower the thac0 the better
(I don't even know how to get the dice rolls displayed, how embarrassing is that?)
And yes I know the animations are not reflective of what's actually happening.
But it'll do.
You soon find out if it's all gone wrong!!
And anyway, if you use a 20 sided dice and it falls on the carpet, how on earth do you decide what number is "up"?
That must cause a lot of fights.
may beam constantly sleep deprivedoh sweet Buddha please help me, but isn't the "+X" dice roll in combat being asked about the combat modifiers? Wielding a bow in melee gives 'D20 "-X" 16: Miss' in the roll information, for example?So Pan has 18/00 Strength, swings a +5 club without proficiency (who the heck uses clubs?), the roll would be 1D20 [+Strength +5 -Non-Proficiency] and the end roll is compared with THAC0?
"worst value"?????
When it's important and you can argue for hours before throwing the board or whatever across the room before storming out?
Have you ever seen Monopoly being played in my house?
(it's almost as if there are rules, civilised behavior, something less than all out war...the very idea, and as for RISK, don't even go there)
My wife and I played PnP back in the day, so we took the same approach with Monopoly, in that there are agreed upon house rules, and all need to agree to follow them. Those who don’t like it can register a formal complaint with The Department of Get Over Yourself.
(as they say there's always a silver lining and nothing got broken, so good result all round I'd say)
When RISK gets taken out the only strategy worth thinking about is how drunk you can get and how quickly. It's a race between watching your little plastic figures get decimated by the b'stard invading and not caring because you can't see straight.
It would be fair to say we are quite a volatile family.
Hey ho, Christmas is coming and the geese are gatting fat............
[The rest of this comment has been self-censored