BG:EE portraits and tomes question

If all the NPCs don't transfer into BG2 then is it best to use all the tomes for your PC?
Will we be able to use alternate portraits with BG:EE?
Will we be able to use alternate portraits with BG:EE?
As for portraits...yes. You'll still be able to use custom portraits, although the dimensions for them have changed a bit to accommodate the new resolution for the game's UI.
As for alternate portraits, yes.
Is there a good site with a database of alternate portraits?
Dex is a god stat that helps you live longer, good for everyone generally.
Con is good to add to if you have < 15 or 17 regardless of class (17 > 18 means you can equip a neat item which gives you a con penalty, 15 > 16 gives you the maximum non-fighter 2 HP/level, retroactively netting you more HP.)
Int is largely irrelevant to Fighters, but not bad for anyone else (even thieves enjoy Lore bonuses, free identify).
Wis is also largely irrelevant to Fighters, but again, other classes get benefits, (again, mostly the spellcasters, but Wis boosts Lore too).
Cha is almost entirely irrelevant to everyone, so may as well give it to CHARNAME.
So, everything except Int and Wis is worth giving to CHARNAME, and even then, if they are multiclasses or have any interest in dual classing, they'll appreciate them too one way or another.
The override folder should be inside the BGEE folder after you install the game. If there isn't one, you can just create a folder named Override to dump stuff there.
Basically, whatever is in the Override folder takes precedence when the game is looking up stuff. So if you create a picture with the same name as, for example, Minsc's portrait file, and put that in your override folder, the game will use that portrait and not the one present in the game.