Il y a aussi une section française dans le forum, tu n'as qu'à y aller pour publier plutôt que de te faire attaquer par des anglais en colère bienvenue au forum
Il y a aussi une section française dans le forum, tu n'as qu'à y aller pour publier plutôt que de te faire attaquer par des anglais en colère bienvenue au forum
@Abel Unfortunately yes, although there are people here in Spain who still think it was a politician (sic). In this case, I think 'franco' it's a shortened word for 'francophone'. Hopefully our dear French fellows would confirm that :P
@ptando Yes, I was merely joking about it ! Actually we use this word as an adjective in expressions like « franco-belge ». It's not correct to use it alone like the OP did. So, please forget he's French!
It's true that franco is used as an adjective. I myself, living in Canada in the province of Ontario am usually refered to as a "Franco-Ontarien". Hopefully the OP paid attention to what Wolk said and has since gone to participate in the French section of the forum. :-)
It's true that franco is used as an adjective. I myself, living in Canada in the province of Ontario am usually refered to as a "Franco-Ontarien". Hopefully the OP paid attention to what Wolk said and has since gone to participate in the French section of the forum. :-)
Shouldn't that mean that english speaking people living in Ontario should be considered "anglo-Ontarians". I can't say I've ever considered myself as an anglo-Ontarian, even though I am. I'm guessing you are from either Eastern Ontario or Northern Ontario, since those are the most french dominant parts of our [increasingly less] fine province, but thats just a guess.
Yea thats right people this thread got a lot darker, into the area of Canadian regional dialogue differences. I'll try to pull it back by pointing out that considering Turkish is being translated I'm pretty sure the game will ship in French. If that doesn't assure you this should.
Pour le OP : oui il y aura une version francaise, for the @elminster , Ontario is a fine province to live in, just check your eastern neighbors ( Quebec ) for the others franco is indeed a spanish general if the debate was about that
Bon, je vais faire ma salope. @Wolk , tu as également fait une faute d'orthographe : "écriS au moins correctement". N'oublions pas non plus qu'une phrase commence toujours par une majuscule et finit toujours par un point.
@elminster , Ontario is a fine province to live in, just check your eastern neighbors ( Quebec )
Yea responding to that would involve a lot of random political discussions which aren't appropriate here. But seriously unless I'm missing something hasn't the point of this thread (asking if a French translation is available for BGEE) been answered already? /thread.
/sarcasm C'est quoi l'osti d'problème avec vos voisins d'l'Est Tabarnak!!! /end sarcasm Just kidding! I actually remember playing the french version of Baldur's Gate as a kid, and that was my first "revelation" as how different the French accent from France was from my own in Quebec. I mean, i'm still traumatised and plagued by continuously hearing "J'lui ai botté la tête jusqu'à ce qu'il crève!!!" And i've taken therapy! oh and by the way " Sans offenses.... ça prend pas de S à offense...étant donné qu'y'en a PAS d'offense... just sayin'
/sarcasm C'est quoi l'osti d'problème avec vos voisins d'l'Est Tabarnak!!! /end sarcasm Just kidding
ahh french. Its all coming back to me from the illustrious time I spent learning about it in elementary school and highschool. Chat, chien, poutine...and I'm done. That was basically my entire french vocabulary used up in less than a sentence. You happy now?
I eat poutine probably once a month (and no, not from Harveys). If you have the option why wouldn't you?
I bet he'll be happy to know that you are eating, month by month, parts of his body. But that's strange the he never sent his armies against you. (So that's why I guess he's fine with that).
explanations : The way you wrote "poutine" (Add a capital letter), is the way we wrote the name of the President of Russia. ;-)
I eat poutine probably once a month (and no, not from Harveys). If you have the option why wouldn't you?
I bet he'll be happy to know that you are eating, month by month, parts of his body. But that's strange the he never sent his armies against you. (So that's why I guess he's fine with that).
explanations : The way you wrote "poutine" (Add a capital letter), is the way we wrote the name of the President of Russia. ;-)
Ohh I see what you mean. For a second there I thought you were having the audacity to lecture me on proper grammar in the English language lol.
Hey, Quebec and their poutine came before Putin. If he doesn't like that he shares the French spelling of his name with a delicious batch of french fries, gravy, and curd cheese (to use a more traditional recipe) then he's got his own issues.But seriously though @Shin is very right on this one.
He might be asking for a French version, but there is no question mark. ^_^
Unfortunately yes, although there are people here in Spain who still think it was a politician (sic). In this case, I think 'franco' it's a shortened word for 'francophone'. Hopefully our dear French fellows would confirm that :P
Didn't notice, haha. In fact, I have no idea of french, which is a shame been so close to France, so I may would have been incorrect too, hehe.
Yea thats right people this thread got a lot darker, into the area of Canadian regional dialogue differences. I'll try to pull it back by pointing out that considering Turkish is being translated I'm pretty sure the game will ship in French. If that doesn't assure you this should.
for the @elminster , Ontario is a fine province to live in, just check your eastern neighbors ( Quebec )
for the others franco is indeed a spanish general if the debate was about that
Sans offenses, mais tant qu'à écrire en français sur un forum anglophone, écris au moins correctement.
Content @Meyahi ? :P
@Wolk , tu as également fait une faute d'orthographe : "écriS au moins correctement".
N'oublions pas non plus qu'une phrase commence toujours par une majuscule et finit toujours par un point.
explanations : The way you wrote "poutine" (Add a capital letter), is the way we wrote the name of the President of Russia. ;-)
Hey, Quebec and their poutine came before Putin. If he doesn't like that he shares the French spelling of his name with a delicious batch of french fries, gravy, and curd cheese (to use a more traditional recipe) then he's got his own issues.But seriously though @Shin is very right on this one.
Parts of the body and all that...