
There are many feats that were hardcoded into the game that would benefit many modders if they could be attached to scripts. The Pick Pocket ability is one that most persistent worlds would love to be able to adjust as its always a firestorm to allow players to use.
Devastating Critical is one I'd love to see attached to a script so we could customize it instead of it being yet another feat that is banned all the time.
Devastating Critical is one I'd love to see attached to a script so we could customize it instead of it being yet another feat that is banned all the time.
I'd love it if
- there was a way to script a health bar at the top of the screen so I could show the current health of the dragon when the time comes for a climactic battle.
- it was possible to move party frames and parts of the UI around so players playing clerics can keep track of their teammates health as well as the action.
- I could use a "DM Possession"/"possess familiar" function to have a player possess... a boat. Or a carriage. Or an airship.
- we could use custom timing bars based on the rest timing bar to show the progress of some actions.
I would also like the ability to track time through multiple sessions of persistent world gameplay so I can have a garden that grows in the back yard (...I've been playing stardew valley recently) or war table missions.
There is an NWNX plugin out in the aether that allows you to place VFX at locations that are only visible to specific players, but it didn't have any documentation and I wasn't sure how to test it. I'd like to use that to mark quest givers. Also for creative reasons, but marking quest givers would be nice.
And the ability to permanently modify PC's ability scores via script.