Custom Classes and Races

I would love to see a way to easier make custom classes and races and being able to select them when you create your character in the specific module that you are playing.
"Ensure that the module’s desired HAK and TLK files are loaded before we attempt to start character
creation within a multiplayer module (allows servers to specify their own set of additional base classes, races, et cetera)"
That will make implementing new base classes, races, weapon types, feats, etc. sooo much easier without needing NWNX or loading haks from the patch folder.
In that case. Take my money!
How to indeed make it possible with the current resources?
Well... why not to start using the "PlayerRace" column of "racialtypes.2da" to make that races with the value at 1 appear on race selection screen. In the same "2da" It'll be possible to add some new colums, as "Apperance" to determine which apperance at the "apperances.2da" will be used by the new race. The next 2da requirement will be default colour skin, and hair from the palette.
Behind the courtains it will be neccesary to apply some code to make buttons to do what they need to do, I mean choose a race.
2DA V2.0
Label Abrev Name ConverName ConverNameLower NamePlural Description Appearance StrAdjust DexAdjust IntAdjust ChaAdjust WisAdjust ConAdjust Endurance Favored FeatsTable Biography PlayerRace Constant AGE ToolsetDefaultClass CRModifier Apperance HairColorPalette SkinColorPalette
ANOTHER IDEA: Custom color palettes?... yeah, I know that sounds boring and great at same time.
The ones who I think can be implemented easily are Azers, Troglodytes, Kobolds, Minotaurs, Gnolls, Bugbears, Hill Giants, Pixies, Gargoyles, and Rakshasas. Why? Because they are already present in NWN, throughout the OC, EPs, and Premium Modules. The art already exists. And since they're already in the game, we can assume they're compatible with D&D version 3.
Can you imagine the outcry if they officially released something that didn't fully "work"? Just unlock the UI and let us do the work there.
You can EASILY have subrace, get them from script and modify whatever you want.
Yes, it requires time and skills but it is already feasible to have custom races/subraces.
Annakolia Custom Prestige Classes:
Eldritch Knight
Holy Liberator
Mage Guard
Mystic Theurges
Arcane Trickster
Purist of the Flame
Totem Druid
Arrow Reaver
Temple Raider
Golem Maker
Traveling Merchant
Wind Sniper
Winter Witch
Just making sure that custom content will work as before:
CEP Team Leader (Barry_1066) with Malashara, Throbblefoot, 420 and Custom class expert Flamecrow.
As for people saying, "What if it doesn't work correctly," well that's a problem we need to deal with. Obviously that's a risk game designers take in almost every aspect of almost every thing they add to almost any game in almost any scenario in the gaming industry.
I would love to learn how to create packages, so PRC classes could be used for NPCs I'm already thinking about determining what breath weapon a Dragonfire Adept would select in combat thing is it would need to cycle through each monster to see which vulnerabilities/resistances it had then increment/decrement a variable for each breath weapon it had, then find the most effective one and attack while not hitting other non hostile npcs. still basically flowcharting it.
It all depends on whether or not custom spell classes can be made in the EE, if not I can only update it for the 1.72/1.69 version of NWN.
PRC EE works in EE, just crashes on creating a character from scratch, at least w/ custom race and class, will do further testing. and report back.
PRC Race (at least Nazatharune Rakshasa) crashes on trying to load module using PRC added Prelude when creating character in EE.
my steam images for NWN EE
Here is the entry into packages.2da. Any ideas?
Label Name Description ClassID Attribute Gold School Domain1 Domain2 Associate SpellPref2DA FeatPref2DA SkillPref2DA Equip2DA Soundset PlayerClass
180 Maverick 115000 115003 70 DEX 50 **** **** **** **** **** PackFTMave1 PackSKMave1 PackEQMave1 0 1