Allow editing of standard pallet

things like companions can find themselves very underpowered in powergamer style servers. being able to edit the standard pallet would be helpful. Currently I use on-spawn in buff-ups. Works well but I could do things much more specifically. Also being able to add new(not new to the pallet but new to the scheme like spell school wizards to have other options for familiars or companions. I'm sure other builders would enjoy being able to balance the standard pallet for they're server ruleset.
- A hak file
- Override folder on the server
- The module file itself
This is only needed on the server side for most cases, however to display proper stats for the familiar at character creation (and maybe level up?), it needs to be in the player's hak as well.For example. We are running a module thats kind of huge. Because the games built in CR for the creatures is pretty unbalanaced and also because the module has balance issues in itself I would be able to just "inflate" the CR for these creatures. Huge timesaver.
However...this functionality has to be implemented in a proffesional way naturally. Like flagging a module that has its core content untouched and whatnot.
- Put your custom, inflated-CR, templates in the server override/ folder. These will be used when spawned by the game.
- Put the same things in override/ while developing, and you will see the changes in the toolset
- Your players (and DMs) don't need anything.
If your server uses any haks (e.g. CEP), you can just put these in the hak, on the server side, to keep override clean. Client and server haks only need to match by name, not by content. And clients don't need to have blueprints, that's handled by the server.
You can even add standard-palette-overriding blueprints to the module itself (using e.g. the ERF tool). But with 1.69 having a few 16k resource bugs (not sure if fixed in EE, hopefully will be), that's not an ideal solution.
I mean, I agree, it would be nice to have a cleaner way to do this, but I don't think the above is too bad. I feel like the dev time is better spent elsewhere, where there are no easy workarounds. For example, fixing the 16k resources crashes, so we can use the module approach.
With the game client, loading a module/joining a server that uses the bif's (even if not specified as omitted in the userpatch.ini) would have the client compile the list for them just as it loads the haks when joining a server.
It doesn't sound like something that would get a lot of use, but I think there's probably loads and loads of people out and about who never use a tileset, or avoid the creature/item standard palette.
A major consideration, however, is that custom items created with reduced resources should avoid having the same resrefs as standard content, in the event that standard content was reincorporated into a module at a later point in time. This is already an existing issue for hak implementation, however.
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