NWServer 1.69 support

I understand that it can't support it but can we have a solution for the other way around, like a NWNX plugin that let players using NWN:EE log on our server?
I am ready to do this plugin, at least for the Linux nwserver, all I would need is a list of the communication protocol messages that got changed with a brief description.
That way we will be ready to welcome NWN:EE player immediately when it is released with our very advanced NWServer... it is not at all like the original 1.69 NWServer anymore and I doubt that the NWN:EE improvements to the NWServer will be any close to what we (Sinfar) and probably many other persistent worlds (HG, Arelith...) have achieve with it. Maybe with time but for the start please slightly help us to make the 1.69 NWServer compatible with the NWN:EE client.
I am ready to do this plugin, at least for the Linux nwserver, all I would need is a list of the communication protocol messages that got changed with a brief description.
That way we will be ready to welcome NWN:EE player immediately when it is released with our very advanced NWServer... it is not at all like the original 1.69 NWServer anymore and I doubt that the NWN:EE improvements to the NWServer will be any close to what we (Sinfar) and probably many other persistent worlds (HG, Arelith...) have achieve with it. Maybe with time but for the start please slightly help us to make the 1.69 NWServer compatible with the NWN:EE client.
Edit: Meanwhile, Mavrixio, could you name a few of the showstoppers you'd like to see in nwserver that you would need to have in the new binary in order to be able to migrate; or is this out of the question for you? Like Liareth said, putting in useful features that everyone can use is something we're certainly willing to do.
- A completely remade resources managers that load resources from followings rules determined by a web based module development system.
- A deep integration with MySQL: logs, players login validation, Campaign variables, players mini maps are stored in our MySQL database.
- Our web client: https://nwn.sinfar.net/webclient.php
- Some 500+ new nwscript functions, here's our extension of nwscript.nss: https://nwn.sinfar.net/res_nss_edit.php?name=inc_x_vm_funcs
- A load of new nwscripts events... some of them can be added to the new nwserver but most of them are probably too specific
We also have our own implementation of many of the hard-coded feats like devastating critical, defensive stance, Disarm, and many other hard-coded classes changes.
So I think our best option will be to make our nwserver compatible with the new client instead of redoing the hooks for all those features in the new nwserver and I dont think that the new nwserver will be as "hook friendly" as the current one?
We also have fixed all crashes, memory leaks and known exploits, but that I can help with to have them in the new nwserver
We also have tweaked our NWNX plugins for several systems (odbc, hashset, and a sortset one PlasmaJohn made), and vaultster would be a high priority with CoPaP linked worlds too.
Personally, I'm in wait and see mode (literally, while the head start downloads), but I'm glad someone who knows NWNX, and how Persistent Worlds use it, is helping with these kinds of things.
Even setting up some sort of shim in the meantime before it's migrated would be very helpful. Please don't make me rewrite my entire server.
-Character visual customization. Under those setups, almost everything could be recolored/resized/rotated as individual models or as a whole (to simulate height). VFXs could also be loaded and tied to the head model, as well as rotated/resized/colored etc, which meant that you could have a bald head model, and then add VFX hair - or even more complex things, like hats, ear piercings, eyeglasses, beards, scars, eyelashes (that blink), etc. This is probably the biggest one as a player, because the number of things it allows is massive, and characters and outfits made using that look worlds better than traditional NWN, even with lots of haks. You could also make characters with vastly more visual variety, too.
-Web client interface. This allowed a lot of things, like having an html chat window, but also allowed stuff like uploading portait files for common download among the players, editing your description via the web interface, and web based area upload for personal areas (player housing) which would go in immediately thanks to the dynamic object loading.