The script window supports multiple tabs of scripts. Just hold down Ctrl and select all scripts you want to open from the list or select one and shift to select all script from down a list. Similar to file(s) select in windows explorer.
I initially missed the toolset category as I haven't used trello before. There are multiple columns you can find by scrolling left/right to make sure you don't miss anything you're interested in voting for. Go vote!
I never actually saw this thread (until now) and sourced the toolset GUI wish entry from a larger more community-minded drive for workflow improvement.
The issue with modality in Toolset is that a lot of modal windows return a result: if you open the script editor from object Scripts tab and then create or choose a script, its name will be pasted into the input box for that specific event.
Almost every sub-window or property dialog box is Modal and multiple windows cannot be opened.
The ability to open an Area and a Script editor - even multiple script editors would ease and speed module development.
Certain items like properties and other things on areas and modules would be great to have in non-modal dialogs as well.
I initially missed the toolset category as I haven't used trello before. There are multiple columns you can find by scrolling left/right to make sure you don't miss anything you're interested in voting for. Go vote!
Glad to see we're on the same page, though!