Enhancement Requests

Love the work you guys are doing - looking forward to seeing what scripting enhancements you all are making. If you're taking requests, I have a few more to add to the list that would be awesome enhancements for module builders:
- Allow builders to instance more types of triggers through scripting than traps or area transition trigger. Allow us to create basic triggers so we can create so many more effects based on scripting (such as OnEnter or OnExit).
- Allow scripting to set the appearance of placeables. This allows builders more access to more placeable appearances without having to add that version into the palette
- Allow us the option to set specific prices of items in a merchant's inventory, rather than basing it on a markup percentage. This allows improved control over item value
- If you're supporting area instancing, how about allowing us to specify what tile ID to use in a certain location in the area grid, including the tile's orientation and height.