Did you play it as a kid?

When I was a kid and my English was way worse, I had no idea what it was I was actually taking when it came to bandit scalps. Felt kinda weird to play the game years later and see it was peoples skin and hair.
I never understood what the attributes did so I kept re-rolling forever to get them as high as possible no matter what class I tried playing, it pissed my uncle off, like it was a pet peeve of his. He'd be like "Ugh stop that, those points were good!" and I'd be like "No, they're not high enough!"
I mostly played as a fighter though, because it was the only class I could comprehend I realized. I'm still not good with using spells.
Jewelry like silver rings, etc. I thought it was good for Something, so I kept wearing them.
I got Tales of the Sword Coast later and the werewolves scared me so much I had to cheat and ctrl+Y them. I learned cheats from a game magazine cd.
I was horribly confused why the game ended after the main character died, but none of the other characters.
Khalid, if I remember correctly, I didn't know why he talked the way he did, with the stuttering I mean.
Always took him with me because of that.
Remember doing a lot of CD swaps. Guess there was no full install.
I put my own voices into the game, I'm surprised I figured that out even.. probably didn't sound very good either, since I was 12 years old, I think.
Last thing I can remember at the moment.. my favorite pastime was collecting every kind of gem and only sell the duplicates.
I never understood what the attributes did so I kept re-rolling forever to get them as high as possible no matter what class I tried playing, it pissed my uncle off, like it was a pet peeve of his. He'd be like "Ugh stop that, those points were good!" and I'd be like "No, they're not high enough!"
I mostly played as a fighter though, because it was the only class I could comprehend I realized. I'm still not good with using spells.
Jewelry like silver rings, etc. I thought it was good for Something, so I kept wearing them.
I got Tales of the Sword Coast later and the werewolves scared me so much I had to cheat and ctrl+Y them. I learned cheats from a game magazine cd.
I was horribly confused why the game ended after the main character died, but none of the other characters.
Khalid, if I remember correctly, I didn't know why he talked the way he did, with the stuttering I mean.
Always took him with me because of that.
Remember doing a lot of CD swaps. Guess there was no full install.
I put my own voices into the game, I'm surprised I figured that out even.. probably didn't sound very good either, since I was 12 years old, I think.
Last thing I can remember at the moment.. my favorite pastime was collecting every kind of gem and only sell the duplicates.
Edit: I even left Imoen in spellhold with that caracter, and killed Aerie the ogre XD I tried to romance jaheira, but she was such a b**** i dumped her for sarevok in TOB
That duplicating gems thing seems so familiar, but it was so long ago. I thought I just remembered it wrong.
That Friendly Arm mage killed me a lot too, I thought he was difficult. I think it was okay if I started attacking him as soon as I saw him.
I lost cd 3 somewhere but my neighbor also had a copy of the game so I had to keep borrowing his.
1) find gem (no s*** sherlock)
2) put it in the quickslots
3) go on the game screen
4) use gem in quickslots ( or just click on the empty space apearing instead)
5) go in inventory, there will be no number beside your gem ( number of gems you had)
6) go back in game screen and use gem once again
7) congratulation, you now have something like 4000 gems
8) sell all except one
9) start over
(this may be false, but it was like 9 years since i lost my cd, so i dont quite remember, i also played without mods or patches, althrough i did get BG1 TotSC and BG2 in the same box so it might have been patched
Here's a few that I did...
-BG2: While doing the quest with the Cult of the Eyeless I just simply walked in, started fighting in the main compound and completed the quest like that. It took me a read from a walkthrough to realize that I there was much more to the quest.
-BG2: When meeting Keldorn for the first time, I provoked him to fight and killed him. I though, "Heh, good experience!" at the time.
-BG1: When arriving at the city of Baldur's Gate, I met up with two guys who poisoned my party and through skimming I thought that I had to go into the Iron Throne HQ and find Sarevok for the antidote. I really was on a race against time even though I had no idea who to find.
-BG2: With my Barbarian, I managed to get the stronghold quest at the De'Arnise hold. Later while playing as a Paladin I did the troll quest but did not get the fighter stronghold. I was so puzzled back then until I found out that there are strongholds for certain classes.
-BG1/BG2: Probably my biggest mistake back then was just NOT reading the dialogue and just picked responses that would I thought would get me somewhere. Now each time I play it I actually read and got myself immersed with the story.
@Oxford_Guy Does the "..." at the end of your post just symbolise how old this topic has made you feel? :P
I used to play with no party using a fighter/mage and i allways killed Drizzit right in the beginning of the game with some nasty charmed animals to lvl up quickly...
Then i use to kill some sirenes and search for some tome in a cave to raise some attribute that i don't remember anymore...
Since I had never played an AD&D game (and had not read the manual THAT much), I was not aware that my first character - a Paladin with 13/12/13/11/13/17 was not going to go very far through the game.
(Today I think I would manage to finish the game with it, but sorry to p'n'p purists, but I'm not masochist enough to do that).
I just kept dying and reloading my game, finishing the game by using cheats, until I finally met people from my High school who explained me the 2nd rules (and the interest of having 18 in fighting stats).
Then, on my subsequents playthrough (and in fact, a long time after Baldur's Gate II release), I was able to finish both games without cheat, with legit strategies (though I must admit that a Cavalier with Carsomyr doesn't need that much strategy to win. ;-)
I didnt have a problem with English at all... I was forced since I was quite young to read and write english (my parents are not good at english, so when I had to load games on c64 etc. I had to learn the words myself) the same with understanding quest/objectives in games!
The thing that was hardest to fully comprehend for me was all expects of the story and I didnt explore enough tbh!
Luckily for me I replayed them alot and with age I began to understand twist of the story and plot that I didnt understand in my young teens..
I then restarted the game and rolled for more than an hour until I got a 90+ number of ability points.
I eventually quit that game because I realized that my fighter wasn't powerful enough to do anything against them. Varec, my next character after that was a Fighter/Mage/Thief, whom I designed and played with the explicit understanding that when he became powerful enough he would fight the Flaming Fist, whom at the time I still thought were the main villains of Baldur's Gate. I later figured out why they were after me and kept on their good side until Varec was stronger, but my primary focus was always on killing the Flaming Fist, and not on going after the Iron Throne, because for my much of my first two playthroughs I thought the Flaming Fist were worse. After all, they attacked me and the Irone Throne didn't. Keep in mind that I was 11, at the time, and hadn't played very far into the main quest line.
During Varec's third playthrough I finished the game up until all I had left to do was fight Sarevok, and then I went back outside instead, after defeating Tomoko, and waged a crusade against the Flaming Fist for a longer time than the rest of the playthrough combined. I found doing so much more interesting and satisfying than fighting Sarevok who I saw killing as more of a chore than anything else and not really relevant to the game.
Though funny moment, I remember my parties ALWAYS sucked, since I knew they could die and I could still play, so when it came down to it my main character got the best of EVERYTHING. He could kill all 5 friends of his several times over, and I remember plenty of times being the only one alive after some hard combat.
Also, my dad refused to believe that everyone on "Werewolf Island" was a werewolf, just because of the name... I *knew* it though I had no proof, and when he called me out on it, I had to find a way to prove it, so I attacked the nearest NPC, and lo and behold, the entire island starts freakin' exploding. What amazed him more is how my entire party of healers, wizards, 5 people total, went down to the werewolves in seconds, and my main character spent the next 30 minutes clearing the island and gathering loot >.<
EDIT: Also, I say cruel or clueless parents, because they had played AD&D *several* times... They should have at least told me to put points in long bow, and equip one -_-;
What's also funny is the fact that I'd tell my mom what had happened in each chapter! I also remember having everyone in the party wear the same color, as if they were a team or something xD
It's so buggy that it's always crashing. So I'm excited about the EE!
I was never allowed to watch movies, play games, or read books that had "occult themes", violence, etc. I didn't see Star Wars until I was 17, because the Force was the "work of the devil". Nevermind the strong moral themes of working together against a common evil, the virtues of diversity, and right vs. wrong... Oh nooooo, the Force is the same as magic so the whole series is bad. Ugh.
I had to hide a lot of books and games from my dad. I played Planescape only because I was able to hide it on my computer, and I was a lot more computer savvy than he was.
There's still a lot that I haven't been exposed to because of my upbringing, so it's harder for me to socialize and connect with other people
My first character, and a recurring one at that, was an lawful good elven general mage named Xaedon (it just seems elven to me). He ended up recruiting and ending the game with Imoen, Khalid/Jaheira, Branwen, and Xan, which at the time felt very weak, as I was new at AD&D, because having two mages doing miniscule damage to a few enemies or immense damage to everyone around (usually killing both mages) upped the difficulty I felt (and I didn't know I could buy more helpful spells...).
Through all of that though, killing Sarevok at the end was oh so good!
In BG:EE, I'm planning on playing through the game the same way, with the same party, to relive what got me hooked onto BG in the first place!
I once knew this person who wasn't allowed to watch Disney films because they contained magic. Talk about missing out on a enjoyable childhood.
My goodness I was so bad at this game when I was a kid. I played it when I was, like, 5. Your heard me, five. I think I got past Bandit Camp once but Cloakwood was too much for me. I liked to play mages of course, like all nubcakes. That didn't go so well. The only things I seemed to have RIGHT in my head, were that Imoen and Kivan were kickass. Which is a fact.
When I found out that the level cap existed so we could import our character from BG1 to BG2, I remember being blown away and having a rather unrealistic view of just how much was going to be 'imported.' So, for example, I made sure my Mage managed to memorize every possible spell scroll in the first game before I finished it. I made sure to travel with the group I was hoping to travel with in BG2 when I imported my character. I basically seemed to think that the whole game would be changed from top to bottom by decisions made in BG1 and had about three different end-game saves made for experiencing all those changes.
Ha! Silly me. Imagine my surprise when I imported by Chaotic Evil Necromancer who had spent the whole game travelling with the likes of Xzar, Montaron and Viconia only to find Imoen, Jaheira and Minsc waiting for me at the start of the sequel, ready to tell me of all the heroic deeds we had done together. Bah!