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Installing & Playing the "Head Start" version of NWN:EE

ShaidenShaiden Member Posts: 181
edited November 2017 in Technical Support
Hi there everyone,

For those who don't know, folks who have pre-purchased Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition receive access to the "Head Start" beta. This allows you early access to the game as it currently stands, and helps us drive us towards the best possible release state.

There has been some confusion regarding how players may gain access to the Head Start beta, so if you are one of the individuals having problems, here are a few steps you could take.

1) Ensure that your account is properly provisioned for one of the two versions of the game
2) While logged in to the website, go to the game head-start pages available under the 'Games' drop-down at the top of the website:
Standard Edition -
Digital Deluxe Edition -

3) On these pages (Dependent on what version of the game you own) there will be a button to provision you with the Head Start game access. Click this button

4) You should now see the Head Start be available on your Beamdog Client. If the website indicates that you have been provisioned, but it is not showing up, please restart your Beamdog Client, as it may not have caught the update immediately.

Make sure you click on the language button in the Beamdog Client on the Drop-down and manually pick Head Start (see English-Head Start on the screenshot below)!

I'll be adding more common issues fixes and suggestions as they are reported. Thanks for your time
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on


  • aarionnaarionn Member Posts: 94
    Thx for info! NWN Deluxe ed head-start is 10,5 gb download.

    Tried original campaign for a few minutes and I have to say it looks great! I will give it more time later when I am back at home.

    DoF is a little bit strange to get used to but we will see. It really looks good but strange. Probably need more time to see how it suits that NWN unique atmosphere.

    SO excited about this project! Keep up the good work.
  • ShaidenShaiden Member Posts: 181
    edited November 2017
    I just spent the last 5 minutes trying to figure out what module DoF is.... Turns out it was Depth of Field. <_<

    If you are finding that you're not liking depth of field specifically, it is toggleable in the video options menu, under "Advanced Frame-Buffer Effects"

    Thanks for the feedback aarionn! We're glad to hear you're having fun.

    There will be a post going up on how to file any bugs you might find into our public bug-tracker. If you encounter any issues, please feel free to let us know.
  • thruddthrudd Member Posts: 96
    Hi Need Help with this , I purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition but can only download the English Head Start Option ??? When I click on the Digital Deluxe Edition it says Buy Now???? I already purchased it?
    What should I do?
  • ShaidenShaiden Member Posts: 181
    Hi there Thrudd,

    Could you try going here:

    And click on the getting started button? Then, check to see if the drop-down menu on the beam-dog client under "Neverwinter Nights" has your digital deluxe Head Start edition.

    If you're still not seeing anything, try restarting your Beamdog Client. If that still doesn't work, let me know :)
  • thruddthrudd Member Posts: 96
    Yup That Did it THANKS !!!!!!
    Back to the Forgotten Realms I go!!!!!
  • ShaidenShaiden Member Posts: 181
    Glad to hear it, have fun!
  • DaimondheartDaimondheart Member Posts: 5
    Thanks. Just now started my download. Look forward to diving back into NWN.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 930
    edited November 2017
    Edit: nevermind ... I solved my problem.
  • deserkdeserk Member Posts: 35
    edited November 2017
    The head start access isn't working for me. The Beamdog site says I have it, but it doesn't show up in the Beamdog client. I've tried clicking the "Get Started" button but it says I already have it. I've also tried restarting the Beamdog program multiple times with still the same issue.

    Edit: Oh lol I think I figured it out. I didn't know you had to click on the language button in the Beamdog Client and manually pick Head Start. Think it might work now
  • fkirenicusfkirenicus Member Posts: 331
    edited November 2017
    For us who are incredibly slow (and careful not to spend money without asking if there are things that are unclear): am I right in understanding that if I pre-order the game as given here
    I am entitled to the Head Start as given here
    without further ado...? Except maybe that I have to download the "Beamdog Client" (I have no such thing on my computer) - or will the game become available on (one of) the webpage above once I have pre-ordered?
    Having played (and made modules for) NWN since 2002 I would very much like to help you test this gem of a game. :-)
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    deserk said:

    The head start access isn't working for me. The Beamdog site says I have it, but it doesn't show up in the Beamdog client. I've tried clicking the "Get Started" button but it says I already have it. I've also tried restarting the Beamdog program multiple times with still the same issue.

    Edit: Oh lol I think I figured it out. I didn't know you had to click on the language button in the Beamdog Client and manually pick Head Start. Think it might work now

    @deserk , Thank you, you solved my problem too. I would never in a million years have clicked on "English" to look for a drop-down menu.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    @fkirenicus Please, read the OP here.
    You need to install the Beamdog Client -

    After pre-ordering, you need to go to either or

    There you click the "Get Started" button and afterwards you will have to pick the Head Start in the Client.
  • fkirenicusfkirenicus Member Posts: 331
    @JuliusBorisov , yep, I have. It's just that I was confused about that "beamdog client", got it sorted out now, though (or at least I think so, will have to try to follow these steps once I get home on my own computer).
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Thanks for the feedback.

    Added "Make sure you click on the language button in the Beamdog Client on the Drop-down and manually pick Head Start (see English-Head Start on the screenshot below)!" to the OP.
  • StefanOStefanO Member Posts: 346

    Added "Make sure you click on the language button in the Beamdog Client on the Drop-down and manually pick Head Start (see English-Head Start on the screenshot below)!" to the OP.

    Thanks Julius, this was the missing info.

  • fkirenicusfkirenicus Member Posts: 331

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Added "Make sure you click on the language button in the Beamdog Client on the Drop-down and manually pick Head Start (see English-Head Start on the screenshot below)!" to the OP.

    ...and we're on a roll. :-) Seems so, at least, downloading in progress... OH YEAH! :-)
  • ObaObaObaOba Member Posts: 12
    Hey, forgive noob's question, how do I launch the DM client in NWN:EE head start? I cant find any button to do so. I have the Digital Delux version of the game.
  • ShaidenShaiden Member Posts: 181
    edited November 2017
    @ObaOba We're investigating tying it into the Beamdog Client, so it's just a one-button click like launching the toolset. We'll be sure to make an announcement if/when this is the case.

    For now however, the original method of opening the DM client still applies
    (Assuming Windows)
    - In the Beamdog client, navigate to your game
    - Click "Options" --> "Open Game Location"
    - Open "Bin" folder
    - Open "win32" folder
    - Right-click and drag nwmain.exe, and create a shortcut
    - Right-click the shortcut, and open properties
    - Under the "Shortcut" tab, add -dmc to the end of the "Target" text box
    - This shortcut will now run the game in DM client mode.
  • ObaObaObaOba Member Posts: 12
    @Shaiden Thanks a lot!
  • wilshadewilshade Member Posts: 7
    Probably a dumb question, but here goes . . . Once it's downloaded, is the game able to be played offline? Then coming back online to post reports and download updates?
  • ShaidenShaiden Member Posts: 181
    edited November 2017

    Hey Wilshade,

    To the best of my knowledge, as long as you've run it at least once from the Beamdog Client, you should be able to run the .EXE's directly, rather than through the Beamdog Client.

    Or were you more referring to being cut off of multiplayer?
  • wilshadewilshade Member Posts: 7
    Just the single player offline. Thanks for the answer to my question. I want to take my time and go through the single player offline and take notes as I play it. When I get comfortable, I'll play the game online for multiplayer.

    Thanks for the information!
  • PhenomenPhenomen Member Posts: 33
    edited November 2017
    My Beamdog Client is completely empty:
    I've clicked "Get started" on web page and game should appear in the client but it didn't.

    Edit: issue fixed by using VPN
    Post edited by Phenomen on
  • Dragonfolk2000Dragonfolk2000 Member Posts: 390
    edited December 2017
    Simply put Head Start won't download. It always says '0 B/s remaining'. I've been verified otherwise.

    Update: I just tried uninstalling and reinstalling the client. I was still able to re-download Icewind Dale but not NWN. My firewall is turned off and my antivirus is buddy-buddy with Beamdog.
    Post edited by Dragonfolk2000 on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    @Dragonfolk2000 Are you still encountering this issue? There was a problem during Friday and Saturday,

    Also, make sure you use the new client (the screenshot of which is shown in the OP).
  • Dragonfolk2000Dragonfolk2000 Member Posts: 390
    @JuliusBorisov I had purchased and attempted to download the game 2 hours before the post was made. Let me share my screen.

  • specter597specter597 Member Posts: 16
    Clients ... ugh!
    I mean ... this is all awesome and I'm glad I can finally have modern resolutions.
    But also ...
    Clients ... ugh!
  • ShaidenShaiden Member Posts: 181

    Is this issue still occurring?

    If so, please:
    1) Right-click the cog in the Beamdog client
    2) Select "Open Log Folder"
    3) Select the most recent 2-4 copies of the 'bdx' and 'lib' log files
    4) Put them into a zip
    5) File a bug regarding this issue (And attach said .zip)

    If this is the case, I"ll see what we can find out. :)
  • Dragonfolk2000Dragonfolk2000 Member Posts: 390
    @Shaiden I filed the bug.
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