Enhanced Toolset Features

I will add to this list as I come up with more ideas.
• Ability to move doors without the "move door hack".
• Ability to create groups of placeables and move them together
• Create sub-categories in the listview
• Finer/precise positioning of content such as placeables.
• Quick appearance change of a content (such as placeables) (use mouse-wheel to scroll to next appearance instead of right-click, etc).
• Better information on content such as scripts or variables attached to content (such as a placeable).
• More properties on placeables. Maybe options to attach visual effects that will trigger on certain conditions with no need of scripts.
• Integration of default scripts that everyone use. Maybe a box to check if object (chair) is sitable.
• Integration of default scripts that everyone use. Maybe a box to check if a door shall automatically close
• Integration of default scripts that everyone use. Maybe a box to check if a fireplace, candle, lantern should activate.
• Ability to move doors without the "move door hack".
• Ability to create groups of placeables and move them together
• Create sub-categories in the listview
• Finer/precise positioning of content such as placeables.
• Quick appearance change of a content (such as placeables) (use mouse-wheel to scroll to next appearance instead of right-click, etc).
• Better information on content such as scripts or variables attached to content (such as a placeable).
• More properties on placeables. Maybe options to attach visual effects that will trigger on certain conditions with no need of scripts.
• Integration of default scripts that everyone use. Maybe a box to check if object (chair) is sitable.
• Integration of default scripts that everyone use. Maybe a box to check if a door shall automatically close
• Integration of default scripts that everyone use. Maybe a box to check if a fireplace, candle, lantern should activate.
• Visable heads in toolset for range 100+
• Increased limit for bodyparts
• Edit 2DA inside the toolset. A mini-editor that lets you create feats and skills.
• Ability to scale placeables
• Full Color palette
• Integration of emotes that everyone use today (Vaéi and ACP)
Most of these were issues I had with the NWN1 toolset when moving back to it. Apologies if some of these are no longer an issue.
- Open Multiple Areas at once
- Transforming Objects Across all three Axis.
- Dynamic Lighting (Light Objects That can be Placed down)
- Have the Toolset and Game use the same renderer for Lighting
- Ability to Store Variables on Objects (NPC / Areas)
- Have OnItemUsed automatically do a script lookup based on item tag (Not super important but handy)
- More visual effect styles other than basic particle systems (Volumetric Textures / Billboards / Transparency Effects)
Easier tile splicing (with a warning box likely). Some tile arrangements are frustrating to create in the GFF editor
Enable more dynamic lighting
Tile groups or tile elements as placeable objects (ex. place static 1.69 Exterior elements in Underdark tileset) (I will give you my blood)
Remember the VFX editor plug-in in the NWN2 toolset? (I will give you all my blood)
+support for palette audio, if possible at all?
+allow for easy identification of assigned feats to creatures and/or implement sorting according to name, type or assigned
Using the mouse with the right hand and then the number pad? Well its way over there resulting in cross-armed uncomfyiness.
Is there a way to change that after all these years that I didn't know about?
Toolset hotkey editing?
+ A search function in the placeable palette and the module ressource tabs (the left and right sections of the toolset)
If you want to search for a variable or tag or somesuch, you can try using the windows findstr command in the modules/temp0 directory.
Do you need fancier data mining? If so, have you looked into moneo?
- option for larger font for easier reading
- better indicators for nodes that have scripts and such, the tiny red outline is hard to spot
- easy import/export of dialogue to txt files. There's some tools for this already, I know, but it would be handy to have it in the editor itself.
May I add that for those of us that love to use laptops, moving around in an area in the toolset, using CTRL+left button or CTRL+right button with our little touchpad on the palmrest (at least on a HP Omen), well, reaching with your fingers is nigh impossible. Not fun.
So adding better options for moving around in an area in the aurora toolset would be fab.