Freescape - Getting the Fantasy Sandbox rolling again.

I want to give the fantasy sandbox a shot at getting the life it deserves. It could be my old server Freescape that some people might remember from the summer of 2010 or it could be a revival of the all time classic of Isandor or one of the various sprouts this niche gametype have produced. Whatever
About the fantasy sandbox:
The fantasy sandbox is a combination of a crafting/survival type of gameworld combined with the freedom to craft and exploit the ressources of the gameworld. Along with the roleplay and possibly permadeath this makes for a world with real risk, real reward where anything can happen.
What do i need to bring the Fantasy Sandbox back
First of all i need a coder. I don't know whether my old module with all it's spaghetti-code can be salvaged or whether we need to create something new from scratch. I know alot about story design, project and community manegement but i'm not the best coder.
Furthermore we need some kind of hosting for it. But that can probably be solved by paying someone or exploiting
the generous offer here in the forums.
When we get that sorted out i'll need DM's and area designers to keep the world alive. It'll be fun fun good times!
How do i join:
Simple. Just write here or join the discord i just created. I'll be sure to get back to you whether you wanna join freescape or want me involved in your fantasy sandbox instead
About the fantasy sandbox:
The fantasy sandbox is a combination of a crafting/survival type of gameworld combined with the freedom to craft and exploit the ressources of the gameworld. Along with the roleplay and possibly permadeath this makes for a world with real risk, real reward where anything can happen.
What do i need to bring the Fantasy Sandbox back
First of all i need a coder. I don't know whether my old module with all it's spaghetti-code can be salvaged or whether we need to create something new from scratch. I know alot about story design, project and community manegement but i'm not the best coder.
Furthermore we need some kind of hosting for it. But that can probably be solved by paying someone or exploiting
the generous offer here in the forums.
When we get that sorted out i'll need DM's and area designers to keep the world alive. It'll be fun fun good times!
How do i join:
Simple. Just write here or join the discord i just created. I'll be sure to get back to you whether you wanna join freescape or want me involved in your fantasy sandbox instead