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Request - Hide Account name on Chat

Hi everybody,
I will write here something that we already discussed in the chat.

metagamer - Today at 10:51 AM
NWNX Names and masking identity.
However this system has a weakness: the gamespy name account. Easily, people can "click" on the portrait chat and check the account than associate it to the real person. To solve this problem I wrote my own plugin. The plugin modify the name account during the login. However many problems exist: any character is associate to PCName+PCAccount. Switching PCAccount, the character is seen has a new character. Local variables, effects and everything is not saved. I fixed this problem saving all the data and applying it to relog. However, the whole system was to big and complicate and I had to stop it.
The question is: do you have in mind to mask the PC Account name?
"the possibility to mask"

Liareth -
That's a good idea for a new feature in the base game. "Remove account name on tell".
I'd post a feature request for it.
I bet RP servers would love it.

This is just to remember ;)

Request: Hide gamespy account
Example: It could be implented, for example, by a [Server Options] ini flag, DIsable Player Name Tells=1

Note that: probably chat is based on accounts because they are unique (no 2 accounts at the same time).
However, it is possible to have 2 players with the same name. So the name should unique as well.


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