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Feature Request: Add Character Creation Options

Hi guys,

Would it be possible to add character creation options to add things like wings or tails to our character?

I'd figure that it would be the same in every way except that there are arrows to switch to different wings or tail options.


  • ReibornReiborn Member Posts: 156
    we had those back in the days using 3rd part character editors, also on PW I played which was RP based the DM used a token reward system to allow players change races and such then he'll edit their character in that method.
  • JimbobslimbobJimbobslimbob Member Posts: 206
    Yeah, other than Reiborn's comment i seem to recall that a lot of the character customisation/builder modules contained such functionality. It would be good to see it in the base game character creator though, since it exists and is "do-able" elsewhere.
  • 11302101130210 Member Posts: 381
    Reiborn said:

    we had those back in the days using 3rd part character editors, also on PW I played which was RP based the DM used a token reward system to allow players change races and such then he'll edit their character in that method.

    But still, that's kinda my point. There's virtually no problems with adding them onto characters using 3rd party software. It actually seems like it may be an easy implementation.

    Adding them onto characters just seems to present no problems, so it's kinda like why not? It's a cool little feature to add, and it'll help with the realism of creating subraces.
  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 493
    On Windows XP, I found a 3rd party program that would actually modify your character with such customizations before it got sent to the server. That program only worked on Windows XP, but leaves me believing that it would be an easy thing to add.

    I also played on a server where you could get such 'upgrades' by paying for them. If DMs still want such things to be prestigious, they can set them to the default in their onEnter scripts—overriding what the player picks on character creation.

    Tails, of course, would need a lot more work. The horse system is made by changing the players tail. All horses being ridden are in fact tails. Simply storing what the tail was before mounting, then reapplying it would be enough. I have no idea if that is already part of the system or not. And if not, how many scripts would need to be modified.
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