Need Fixed for Future Tilesets

We need a fix for
In the past there were speedtree conversions
So the leaves of the trees were emitters instead of meshes, however the emitters pierce through fog
So you see the foliage even if it should be covered by fog
Could you Please help with this ?
We need fix for
So the engine could support multiple raise values for one terrain.
This way we could have multiple raised edge tiles for the different raised heights.
We need a fix for
In the past there were speedtree conversions
So the leaves of the trees were emitters instead of meshes, however the emitters pierce through fog
So you see the foliage even if it should be covered by fog
Could you Please help with this ?
We need fix for
So the engine could support multiple raise values for one terrain.
This way we could have multiple raised edge tiles for the different raised heights.
Anyway, I thought it might help to illustrate/provide some background material. Sen published info on a system over here:
PHoD showed some of what can be done with it here:
For current capabilities, the toolset can work with what PHoD published just fine, but the edge tile system cannot handle the four variations on tile heights. So we end up with 1 of 4 possible height variations being handled correctly in game at the edge of areas.
Sample screenie, in NWNEE (v1.69 behaves the same):
The screenshot illustrates 2 of the 4 possible height variations. The remaining 2 break the same way as the one on the right in the screenshot.
Now, I don't know if Sen's system is the ideal way to implement multi-height variations, but, for now, it's what we have. Having proper/full support for this or a similar capability with proper edge tile behavior is the ask, AFAIK.
@Tonden did you know of any other issues with the tilesets done this way?
@merricksdad published something as well, here: - I believe it is a similar concept but I haven't spent as much time with this particular work.
This is something I have been wanting for a while now. I really wish Beamdog would fix this.
In the electron toolset of NWN2 you are able to build also a part of map outside the walkable area so instead of the straight [road/river/mountain/forest] going to the infinite and beyond you can design a twisty road leading to a city far in the horizon and so in, a sort of preview of the next map
It would be Amazing if a revised Aurora toolset could let you choose if autogenerate the Edge or if you want to map It
Well we need this fix to help take tilesets to the next level.
(Take all that with a grain of salt, I know nothing of the feasibility of such options)
Yes the areas Will bè bigger and more heavy but a non walkable surrounding Will give a total control to build the surrounding of a map instead the "straight to the infinite" we have now
Such an option should be optional obviously since Areas won't always match up with the Area Size and preloading theese extra tiles probably will take some time.
Well it is just a random idea.
I also wouldn't mind to have an option to add additional tiles behind the edges which are simply non-walkable (similar to NWN2 but simply with just tiles).
Would be actually quite cool and it would allow existing huge Modules to add awesome looking edges whenever needed without having to rebuild 500+ Areas inside of the walkable tiles.
We need Beamdog to add more heights for each terrain in the Edge 2da. There is currently only 2 and we need 4 to 6.
Please Fix this and help the community out so we can create better looking tilesets.
So for example those screenshots are showing the round being raised 4 times. two different slop heights and two different cliff heights with them all working together.
The problem is when you get to the edge of an area there is a Edge 2da telling the engine what edge tile to match up with witch tile is next to the edge of the area so it repeats that edge tile so you don't what what looks like a hole in the world, or looks like the work just stops, or is floating in air.
Right now with the engine only supporting 2 different heights per terrain you can't have enough different edge tiles to support more then 2 different heights for one terrain.
This is still tile based its just using more tiles to get nicer looking terrains/areas. But its nice to know by just adding a few different heights and mixing cliffs with slopes that you felt it looked like something other then tile base.
There is so much this community has done and are still doing to make this game better. Those of use who have been doing this work have been hoping with Beamdog doing NWN-EE that they would open the game/ code up more so that we could fix some of the things we have already made but have our hands tied because of things being hard coded.
So BeamDog Please help us CC to help make this game better for the community.
If we can drum up support for the idea, maybe we can get that card amended to point at and include this thread, and/or get a new card added. Then folks can vote for the idea in hopes of getting it some attention in some future patch.
I don't expect this is on the current roadmap for the first (Mar 27) release. I imagine BD is regressing on other more popular / locked down features for that release. The good news is there is always a chance longer term that stuff like this *may* get attention.
Thank you, Symphony!