Server download packages and docker support

Hello folks,
find below the official server packages as a simple, very small zip download.
It's a universal zip that contains all three platform server binaries (Windows, Linux, and macOS). To use, unzip it into a directory of your choosing (about 350MB), and run the binary in bin/platform. It will use the same userdirectory as your client (on linux, that's ~/.local/share/Neverwinter Nights/).
find below the official server packages as a simple, very small zip download.
It's a universal zip that contains all three platform server binaries (Windows, Linux, and macOS). To use, unzip it into a directory of your choosing (about 350MB), and run the binary in bin/platform. It will use the same userdirectory as your client (on linux, that's ~/.local/share/Neverwinter Nights/).
Post edited by niv on
More technical stuff; in case anyone is interested, the slim data set is built with this:
You can see the exact restypes that go in: only the bare necessities. Hence it's so small.
I'll give your .zip a go later.
As for Docker, I'm not a fan in the case of running a dedicated server - they don't play well with OpenVZ or LXC containers.
Edit: Tried to login and nw server crashed.
Edit2: Tried again and now I am in. TY for the server package
Is this an issue inside the server itself or part of the docker build? I am going to take the standalone versions you provided above and create another Docker image to see if I can correct this issue.
docker-compose up
Creating network "nwnserver_default" with the default driver
Creating nwnserver_nwnserver_1 ...
Creating nwnserver_nwnserver_1 ... done
Attaching to nwnserver_nwnserver_1
nwnserver_1 | [*] Linking in user home
nwnserver_1 | '/nwn/run/database' -> '/nwn/home/database'
nwnserver_1 | mkdir: created directory '/nwn/home/hak'
nwnserver_1 | '/nwn/run/hak' -> '/nwn/home/hak'
nwnserver_1 | mkdir: cannot create directory '/nwn/home/modules': File exists
nwnserver_nwnserver_1 exited with code 1
I was also able to run the Docker container without using the --net host command line option by exposing both the TCP and UDP ports as such
docker run --rm -it -p 5121:5121 -p 5121:5121/udp -e NWN_PORT=5121 -v $(pwd):/nwn/home beamdog/nwserver:8149
I did see it attempting to register in the Master server - but I don't have firewall ports open for the proper port ranges.
Is there a list of ports that need to be opened through a firewall for the Master server connection?
It all ran fine and setup was a breeze. Infact, the dedicated server interface itself is exactly as I remember it. I had to copy over modules and other data from my headstart version of the game to the "data" folder and then it ran fine.
It's nice to see the multiplayer server browser back in action and I was pleased to see that there are already a number of servers up with decent populations. I noticed I had to create a multiplayer "name" when entering the server - I gather this is a remnant of the old Bioware account system that no longer exists.
The server vault is changed (I did read on that). All well and good, but impossible to see who each folder relates to by just glancing at it. I know one work-around is to get each player to create a "dummy" character on there with their name, but perhaps we could get the server to create a simple text file in each players folder with their multiplayer name as the filename? Would help a lot.
I also tested it out with my Game Server Manager - which I have been adding to over the years and it all seemed to work fine with it. No server querying, mind. For those that are interested, it's a program made to do a number of things to make managing a game server easier and works with pretty much any game (to certain degrees). Those that are interested can download it on my site, here:
Actually, now that I mention it, the other utility I made that could be of use is my NWN Bic (Character) Organiser, which works with both NWN 1 and 2 and is useful to server operators to quickly view, backup, move and archive characters. Perhaps with the EE edition on the way I may go back and do some additions to it. Link (at the bottom of the page): Nights 2
...blimey. I didn't actually intend this post to be as long as this or to be a shameful plug at some of my stuff, so sorry about that. Still, some may find some use in them anyway.
I'm using this to host my old PW but I cannot see it in the server list, however I can direct connect to it using the IP shown on the NWNserver program. Does anyone have any idea why it isn't listing? I forwarded port 5121 in Windows 10 as well.
On a related note, when the game hits Steam, will we get a separate download (preferably under a different appid) for the dedicated server client so we can update via SteamCMD?
Additional info - the Win32 executable is dated 4 December 2017.
Also can we get the complete list of commandlines with explanations?
I was able to connect to my server. Had to use Jimbos guide plus the following link:
I also had to make changes to the Azure NSG and the local windows firewall on the Azure VM.
It would be nice if beamdog/moderators could compile a comprehensive list of all of the old/new NWServer settings, files, and values. Point me there if its already up.