Making every NPC killable
Making every NPC killable & and letting the player know that a specific quest was screwed because of that via message will be very nice.
If my character is more powerful than Eliminster(lvl 28 mage in 2ed) there is no reason a random guy in a thief guild or Marchor Harpell to be able to slaughter my party just to prevent quest breaking or ridiculous balance issues.
What's the point of them slaughtering my party? I can't continue playing either way. (either I screw up the quest or I die) if that's the case, killing those NPC will at least feel satisfactory.
Post edited by IntoTheDarkness on
Use the Shapeshift spell to turn into a mind flayer and then attack anyone who can't be dealt normal damage. The mind flayer ability will set the stats lower than they're supposed to be, which can kill the person almost instantly. You can also cast Death Ward on your characters to make them immune to Arkanis Gath's sword.
I agree that the game would be much more interesting if these characters could be killed under normal circumstances. Getting XP and their items would also be nice. As it is now it is possible to kill Arkanis Gath, but if you do you only get like 5 XP and no items. He has such a great sword, it would be nice to be able to use it.
Or the numerous cut scenes we see him in. Just not when we're fighting him ~_^