Has the Wisdom Bug Been Fixed?

In the game manual and in AD&D 2nd Edition rules, a high Wisdom gives a bonus to Magic Defense (saving throws), however this was never properly implemented in the Baldur's Gate games. For years I would create characters with higher Wisdom thinking it would help, especially against Charm magic, before realizing it had no effect. Has this bug been fixed in the Enhanced Edition?
Similarily, "Improved Initiative" does nothing in Icewind Dale 2 and I'm hoping that gets fixed someday.
Similarily, "Improved Initiative" does nothing in Icewind Dale 2 and I'm hoping that gets fixed someday.
The code is also being cleaned up and modernized to work smoother, faster and have much more compatibility on newer Operating Systems. You can count on it.
and the relevant externalization request is, together with many others, here: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/558/request-master-thread-of-externalization-requests/p1
The request has been made a few times now. Do you know if any action has been taken on it at all or do you think it is more likely to be implemented in a mod?
Externalizations will be considered post-ship, so hopefully the change will at least be made easy to mod in.