Removing Banter Pack & Unfinished business from current game possible?

Wondering If and what is the best way I remove the banter pack mod/Unfinished business due to a buggy game I'm experiencing where any mod related npc dialogue freezes the game
Not able to solve the problem so have been avoiding most of the mods during this playthrough to continue and halfway through BG2 but now certain dialogues I cant avoid with jansen and his rancid turnips and haer being arrested/framed is the issue and my only option is to remove them...believe this is from the npc banter pack/UB mods so wondering if I uninstall will that help & cause them to stop initiating dialogue or is here another workaround?
Not able to solve the problem so have been avoiding most of the mods during this playthrough to continue and halfway through BG2 but now certain dialogues I cant avoid with jansen and his rancid turnips and haer being arrested/framed is the issue and my only option is to remove them...believe this is from the npc banter pack/UB mods so wondering if I uninstall will that help & cause them to stop initiating dialogue or is here another workaround?