portraits folder

This is probably a very simple, silly question, but where is the folder for custom portraits?
I've found a folder with abbreviations for the usual suspects ("hk" for hacks, etc.) but I'm not sure what to call the folder for portraits (I tried "portraits" like for old NWN, but it didn't work).
Is there a different way to do this? Or is this something that just isn't in yet?
I've found a folder with abbreviations for the usual suspects ("hk" for hacks, etc.) but I'm not sure what to call the folder for portraits (I tried "portraits" like for old NWN, but it didn't work).
Is there a different way to do this? Or is this something that just isn't in yet?
C:\Users\Your User name*\Documents\Neverwinter Nights
*You own unique user name on your computer.
I told it to install to another drive, and it looked like it did.
But I guess it put some things in Documents on C: after all.
See Custom Content Guide chapter on Character Portraits.