LOB-mode solo playthrough
I've seen that this has been done. What is the "worst" (worst stats) character anybody has gone through the entire series with (on LOB-mode)?
Just curious.
And what does SCS stand for? Is it a mod?
Just curious.
And what does SCS stand for? Is it a mod?
Post edited by MrSexton on
As for your second question, SCS is short for the mod called Sword Coast Strategems and it overhauls the AI and the way some encounters are laid out. It essentially tries to reduce the exploitability of enemies and tries to ensure that they are using all of their abilities to their best effect.
In practice it generally makes arcane spellcasters much more dangerous as they will now use all the dirty tricks and combinations that the player could use. That can mean triple skull trap spell triggers, casting timestop into wish, summoning planetars if they are powerful enough, abusing Spell-Immunity combos, etc.
It can be a lot of fun and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a challenge but do be aware that the mod assumes you are familiar with the spell system. The mod is split up into seperate components however so you can decide for yourself what you do and don't want in your game.
If you're sufficiently patient any character could make progress with minimized stats, though without a strength bonus for missile damage that could take quite a while for some character types
Note that the thread referred to above is where @Harpagornis completed all the games with a solo character. That had Ascension as well as SCS though, which makes ToB considerably harder.