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Request - Better persistence!

Its really a chore to get most things truly persistent in a so called "persistent" world.

I think there is a whole lot of scripting thingies that could make it easier.

I know there is a plethora of scripting system for this on the vault but now we have a proffesional company that can make this really easy right? ;-)

I mean espacially to get loot respawning in well as getting the traps and locks to respawn...


  • PlasmaJohnPlasmaJohn Member Posts: 31

    I think there is a whole lot of scripting thingies that could make it easier.

    I know there is a plethora of scripting system for this on the vault but now we have a proffesional company that can make this really easy right? ;-)

    "Make it better!" without context is one of the most frustrating assertions in software development. What are your pain points? What do you think can improve these areas?

    I mean espacially to get loot respawning in well as getting the traps and locks to respawn...

    Trap and lock respawnning are already fairly simple scripts. While there will be some common behaviors across PW's there will be details that differ. Loot tables are a big one. For example Avlis doesn't drop items with Forgotten Realms references.

    Speaking of pain points placeable inventory is one big fat ball of agony. The Bioware implementation was so bad that I had to abandon them in favor of using a dialog based interface for persistent storage and merchants.

    The first issue is that placeables have a fixed capacity. While there's plenty of space for dungeon loot it gets far too tight for personal or guild storage.

    The API for walking the inventory did not report exact positions which, thanks to Inventory Tetris, made restoring chest contents an exercise in frustration.

    Ultimately it was item stack handling that made placeable inventories absolutely unusable. Drop a partial stack on a stack inside the container and it would only report -one- of the two stacks. Sure you could rewalk the entire inventory and compare it against your database but that's ridiculously slow.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    What are the problems you're running in to?

    Do you know if any of these script functions have stopped working?

  • superfly2000superfly2000 Member Posts: 76
    I don't have EE yet...I'm just making a wishlist here :-)
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    You should be able to use those functions normally in the 1.69 Bioware version then. If you only want to use official scripts there is always x0_i0_treasure and x2_inc_treasure then it would be easy to add-in the respawning traps you want.

    If a company tries to make a script for each request it might not be what you want, one shoe wont fit every foot. It's better that they make the lego blocks and people assemble them how they like. Perhaps what you might want to suggest is they make some very basic PW tutorials or a basic PW starter pack.
  • EPOlsonEPOlson Member Posts: 4
    I seem to remember there were some basic issues that prevented simple scripting solutions for PWs.
    Normal doors and traps can not be placed/replaced if destroyed/disarmed.
    A PW door needs to be indestructible with special scripts to handle checks or have a huge buffer of HP. (or have a fake door-like object that pretends to be the door)
    A PW trap needs to spawn disarm-able objects tied to the trap and other complications. A spell like "Find Traps" will permanently destroy any traps unless changed.

    Having a "ResetTrap" function would simplify things.
    I can only guess at how doors are stored internally. Since PWs are such a big part of the game, maybe damaged doors are not really destroyed, just go into a destroyed state. Then a 'RecreateDoor" type function would 'respawn' it.

    I also remember that respawning Encounters seem to remember the CR of the previous party. So you get the wrong difficulty if you happen to follow the wrong party.

    The ability to iterate and insert areas is great!
    Being able to change the scripts assigned to areas and other things could simplify things as well.
    [I am just reading the forums now and have not done antthing with the EE edition yet]
  • superfly2000superfly2000 Member Posts: 76
    edited December 2017
    Well, thats a good start. There are so many things that could be made easier when it comes to persistence in the toolset. I know you can kind of script most things...but I am talking about adding persistence stuff for doors, traps, chests and whatnot in the actual Toolset you didn't have to script nada to do these kind of things...
    Post edited by superfly2000 on
  • shadguyshadguy Member Posts: 154
    EPOlson said:

    I seem to remember there were some basic issues that prevented simple scripting solutions for PWs.
    Normal doors and traps can not be placed/replaced if destroyed/disarmed.
    A PW door needs to be indestructible with special scripts to handle checks or have a huge buffer of HP. (or have a fake door-like object that pretends to be the door)
    A PW trap needs to spawn disarm-able objects tied to the trap and other complications. A spell like "Find Traps" will permanently destroy any traps unless changed.

    Door stuff received upgrades around patch v1.65 or so. From the v1.65 patch notes:

    - Extended the scripting command EffectHeal(), so that it now also works on doors and placeables.

    This was part of the support for respawning door systems, which are definitely now possible.

    Patch 1.67 also added a lot of support for trap & door stuff:

    DM Client:
    - Added the ability for DMs to spawn in traps on doors/placeables through the creator (and quickbar slots dragged from the creator menu).
    - Made custom triggers and traps from the DM creator menu spawn in correctly (rather than spawn in as a default trap).

    Neverwinter Nights Aurora Toolset:
    - Added a boat-load of new scripting commands (check the Toolset for more information):
    - As if the above wasn't enough, we also added new parameters to the following scripting commands:
    SetTrapDetectedBy(object oTrap, object oDetector, int bDetected=TRUE)

    I haven't worked with the trap stuff personally much since before that patch, but the function set was enriched quite a bit by that patch.

  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    @EPOlson There are a number of things you could do and it might have been that you were working in NWN before some of the updates 9-10 years ago or so. If the direct event scripting didn't fit your needs you were always able to destroy/despawn objects like chests and have a timed respawning system. Trivially you could do it using waypoints and variables that construct or pick a saved prefab of the chest you want. Area instancing is also possible without NWNX now so you could destroy the dungeon when it's empty and start a new instance when someone enters again.

    @superfly2000 That would require some level of hard coding which only moves things from a script to the engine programming. I assume the benefit would be having a tab in object properties that sets certain behaviors instead of inputing variables or typing in script names. It would add minimal convenience for something that's less flexible to personal designs.

    I'm not technically inclined but I've spent a year or so experimenting with NWScript and there are many things you can do and a lot of it is like constructing lego bricks or solving a puzzle.

    On the other hand you could also discuss what persistence really means and what greater persistence might entail. Respawning chests and monsters infinitely already exists but maintaining a persistent world state so nothing respawns or resets and instead emerges from ecology and economy scripts would be more complex. Consider a possible life cycle of a chest in a scripted world.
    1. NPC leaves lair to harvest resources
    2. NPC comes back and builds a chest
    3. NPC goes out to scavenge and pillage
    4. PC is Killed by roaming NPC
    5. NPC loots PC body
    6. NPC takes loot back to lair and puts it in the chest
    7. NPC makes a trap with a thunderstone it found and places the trap onto the chest
    8. Treasure remains in the chest forever until looted
    9. Breaking the chest yields kindling (use for campfire) and scrap metal (smelt to ingot) resources
  • EPOlsonEPOlson Member Posts: 4
    Yes, some of those functions could probably do what is needed! I did a lot of work with NWscript, but my focus shifted when NWN2 came out...
    It didn't hit me until I read FLB's response .. area instances solves the basic problem completely: OnEnter spawn a copy of the area & linked areas, tweak the areas a little, then transport players there. (Party/players can go back to their version of the area for a time... )

    The life cycle is interesting. Even the simplified (4,5,6) would add character to a PW. (quest to get somebody's stuff back, find somebody else's personalized items & return them to lost & found, etc)

    This is exciting.

  • meaglynmeaglyn Member Posts: 153
    Making traps and doors easier would be nice. They can be handled pretty well now with scripting though. For doors for example you can make it not destroyable in the on death handler and then you get the bashing explosion but the door just opens. Then you can heal it and close/relock it later when the area resets.

    Btw, EPOlson nice to see you. I use a hacked up version of your stuff in my world. Good stuff there, thanks!
  • meaglynmeaglyn Member Posts: 153
    Also, I'm not sure I'd want a fully persistent world. What would you see in the toolset? How would you modify it? It'd sort of have to rewrite the module file or something.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    @EPOIson I actually experimented with it recently and picking up the items works fine, pathing could definitely be improved, both setting traps and placing items in the chest requires a work around. There are a lot of gotchas and absence of proper or working action functions that requires you to make your own npc-world interacting actions. Notably ActionUseSkill doesn't work with SKILL_SET_TRAP so you have to make your own simulated action that does the pathing, checking, animations, trap setting, and don't forget to delete the trap kit too.

    State persistence between resets is also heavily reliant on database usage and could do with something more built in like being able to load and save an image that the server automatically continues with when it's back online.

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