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my NWN Lp and what I hope will be in EE

Just as i finished my Neverwinter night's Hotu Playthrough then i suddenly see this game announced. No new story stuff i guess though i really hope to see and play if and when that does come out.

Still going through the campaign and making my own little mashinima's i had a few experiences an EE might be able to solve.

First in my mind, the henchmen AI, it can get really really buggy. during my playthrough i had both nathyrra and deekin go invisible and non functioning over and over. had to resort to really awkward modding
and i'll actually admit that part of the reason i betrayed the rebels at the end of chapter 2 was cause nathyrra was to annoying for me to use. speaking of henchmen...

This is mostly the case for Hotu, but i felt like the available npcs didn't cover certain d&D party roles very well. In chapter 2 and 3 you really can't get much of a healer or a trap/lock buster. one can survive without but mayhap nathyrra, deekin or aribeth to level more in some classic dnd functionality.

last campaign point and a bit of a pipe dream, it would be really cool to have the Valsharress's soul as a henchmen in chap 3 if you betrayed the rebels. mephi played you both, sounds like a good reason to band together and get some payback.

On to more general stuff. Maybe fix Palemasters for sorcerers and bards? right now they never get new spells to pic cause only wizard spellslots are added.

also maybe this was my own incompetence but i could not find a standard way to open the official campaign and expansion modules. this would be very handy to maybe edit and save as a copy or just look up and learn how certain things were done. I had a hell of a time trying to make mephi kneel for my ending video.

Also in dm mode would a free fly camera mode be possible? this would be really usefull in making cutscenes are recording cool shots and inspecting the areas you make in game.

Those were just a few things that sprung to mind. Just like to share the ending video i made aswell and i hope a few of you will give it a watch and Enjoy (maybe watch the full series from the start in SoU or Hotu).
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