Question about Sorcerers in BG:EE?
Is their primary casting stat still going to be intelligence instead of charisma? I mean, I get that at the time BG2 came out, 3rd ed hadn't been released yet, so they probably didn't know all the details of the class. So, it's perfectly believable to have their casting based on INT in that case. But 3rd ed is out now. Sorcerers have been introduced for realsies. So, are they gonna change it to Charisma and make it more accurate? I play sorcerers a lot, and it just kind of bugs me, you know? That I can make a sorcerer with a fairly low to average charisma and still have them casting like crazy. ....And that my sorcerers have to have a high INT. That bugs me too. Since their casting is more intuitive and less TIME TO STUDY AND BE SMART, that really shouldn't be a thing.
Changing the attribute to Charisma would do little but decide which is the lower limit of one of the two stats between INT and the above mentioned CHA. Sorcerers are basically a "No stat nonsense" kind of guy. Make it an average Bobby! XD
The only thing Intelligence does for a Mage is increase the likelyhood of them being able to write a spell to their spellbook (n/a to Sorcerers) and determine the max amount of spells they can learn (also N/a to Sorcerers).
Unless they re-wrote the magic system to make it similar to 3E (aka, you need at least 11 CHA to cast level 1 spells, 12 CHA for level 2, etc), changing their primary stat won't do anything.